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PS5 Controller Leaks, DualSense Has a Large Enough Size

They thought of players with big hands.

Since the release of the first PlayStation, there have been many minor issues that Sony Interactive Entertainment has not resolved properly. One of them is the shape of the machine controller, the DualShock which has a size that is adapted to small Asian hands. Making various reasons for players, especially western players to prefer competitors who have controllers that are the right size for their hands.

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With the growing popularity of the console made by Sony in the western market. It seems that the Japanese company has thought carefully about the solution to the problem. Namely by presenting DualSense for PlayStation 5 as a cover for the DualShock controller series that has evolved over four generations.

Dualsensecontroller3Interestingly, according to a leaked image from the ResetEra forum, this controller seems to have a much larger size than the DualShock. According to the image that looks quite convincing with the good lighting, it appears that the DualSense has a much larger and thicker size than the DualShock. A thing that is not surprising, considering the PlayStation 5 itself is rumored to be one of the biggest consoles ever.

The image does look very convincing, but it does not rule out the possibility that it is a remade 3D model, given the right side of the controller which looks quite fake.

Of course we advise you not to believe it 100%, because it could just be an illusion of a very well-made 3D model including the lighting. No exception with the shape of the image that is not so clear, considering the current smartphone camera, has been able to provide images that are almost close to the original camera. At least not like the picture above.

Read more about Sony Interactive Entertainment, or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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