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10 Mysterious Facts About Hideo Kojima That Not Many People Know

Name Hideo Kojima of course it is not foreign to your ears. The genius of this Japanese game maker must have been famous through his works Metal Gear Solid and PT when in Konami. And now-even enough to steal the attention with his latest mysterious project, Death Stranding. However, do you know how the life of this game designer was before becoming one of the most recognizable people in the world’s gaming industry? Check out these 10 Mysterious Facts about Hideo Kojima that not many people know:

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1. Initially Didn’t Have a Career in the Game World

Although now he is known as one of the geniuses in making games. At first Hideo Kojima had absolutely no vision for video games. When he was little he dreamed of becoming a manga artist / illustrator and Filmmaker which his family later opposed. When he was in college he took a major Economy, until then he found his passion to games via video games Famicom and then worked at Konami.

2. His Childhood Was Very Lonely

Looking back when Hideo Kojima was a child, Kojima’s father died when he was 13 years old. Since then he had to take care of himself at home after school until his mother came home from work. Spending most of his time at home makes Kojima feel isolated. That also makes Kojima as a child into a child who closed and lonely.

3. Always Turn on the TV

As a result of the previous point, due to his lonely childhood, Hideo Kojima finally has the habit of turning on the TV to fight his feelings of loneliness. He often does this when he stays at a hotel when he travels to a place where he will go directly turn on the TV shortly after entering the room.

4. Dislikes being called Kojima-San

For those who don’t know, the -San call is a respectful call especially for older people. But Hideo Kojima himself said he didn’t like being called by that nickname. He prefers to be called “Kantoku Kojima” which means Director Kojima. This call is usually given to those who become film directors, and he considers that game directors are superior to film directors.

5. Watching Movies Every Day

Hideo Kojima himself apparently has a habit of watching movies every day. This in itself turned out to be an inborn habit of his family watching movies every night and he was not allowed to sleep until the film was finished. With the experience of watching a variety of movies every night, it’s certainly not surprising how Kojima is able to craft amazing stories for his games.

6. His mother played Metal Gear Solid 3 until the end

Hideo Kojima’s mother herself was a supportive mother when Kojima decided to pursue a career in the game industry. In fact, his mother had played Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Not just playing he even played the game to the end. His own mother took a year to complete the game with the help of several friends. He even had time to call Kojima to tell him that he had finished the game.

7. Nintendo Has Great Service For Kojima

Indirectly Nintendo who made Hideo Kojima as we know him today. When Kojima wanted to start his career in the video game industry, he wanted to enter Nintendo. Although in the end he entered Konami in 1986. But Kojima frankly said that Super Mario Bros as his inspiration to enter the game industry.

8. Metal Gear Solid Comes With Limitations

I don’t know how many of you already know, that the game Metal Gear Solid Initially not as it is known as it is today. Because at first Kojima wanted to include open combat into the game. However, due to the limited capacity of the hardware at that time, Kojima finally changed the concept of the game into a stealth escape which became his trademark. Metal Gear Solid next.

9. Have a hobby of being a cameo

This doesn’t seem like a fairly new thing because for those of you who have played the Metal Gear Solid series, you must have encountered this Kojima character in the game. But not only there, it turns out that Hideo Kojima also often appears as a cameo in various Youtuber’s videos and film series Or even at least contribute his voice to become unexpected characters. Of course Kojima is happy to do it because of his love for Movies.

10. Likes to Cheat Fans with Projects

If you feel like you’re starting to understand the story or at least the premise that Kojima wants to create in his latest project – Death Stranding. Then you should rethink your hypothesis, because it seems like the previous Kojima projects all the Death Stranding trailers that were shown were meant to mislead you. Just like the introduction of games Metal Gear Solid which was always different from the storyline of the original game, then we can surmise that Death Stranding not just JNE-walking-Simulator.

[BONUS] Kojima’s father is a member of the Yakuza

This in itself is not certain and it’s still a rumor where Father from Hideo Kojima is a member Yakuza. But not just an ordinary member, because it was quoted by metalgeartrivia It was mentioned that Kojima’s father was an influential figure in the Yakuza. And in fact he died when Kojima was 13 years old, but there is no clear information as to why he died. Is it possible?

Here are 10 mysterious facts from Hideo Kojima. Which fact surprised you the most? Or is there some other fact that we don’t know about? Write it in the comments..

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