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10 Things That Can Happen When A Student Is Addicted To Gaming

Learning is the main obligation for every student. They are required to understand all the subject matter given at school. In fact, after a day of study, they often have to take additional lessons outside of school and are still burdened with assignments waiting to be completed.

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Learning situations like that over time will certainly make students feel bored. So, they need entertainment to just refresh their minds. One alternative that is often an option when bored is playing games.

Play games is often an option because in addition to being easy to do, games can also pamper the players with the challenges given. So, they will be tempted to continue playing. In fact, not infrequently cause addiction.

For a student, addicted to play games certainly not a good thing. Many negative effects will occur as a result of this. What do you think are the consequences? See below.

1. Mess up Study Schedule

Too fun to play games can make a person forget everything. When you play, it feels as if nothing else is more important. So, people who have played games will tend to continue and hard to stop. Coupled with bonus lure ingame which will be given if able to go further. This is certainly not good for a student, because their study schedule can be chaotic.

2. Lack of sleep

Besides forgetting the time, playing too much games It also causes a person to be sleep deprived. As mentioned above, someone who is too engrossed in playing games will tend to continue and not want to stop. No exception when sleeping. Many people force themselves to keep playing to catch up rank even though they should be asleep.

3. Fatigue

Another consequence that can also occur is fatigue. This is certainly not good for a student, because they will not have enough energy to understand the subject matter given. In fact, as we know, every material will be easier to digest when we are in a fit condition. When you are tired, your concentration will decrease. So, it will be difficult to understand the material.

4. Late for School

Play games until late at night and fatigue will certainly make a person take longer to rest. Sometimes, because of sleeping too late, someone will wake up late. It doesn’t matter if it’s the next day off. However, it’s a different story if the next day is not a red date, you might be late for school.

5. Skipping School

When it is in a severe condition, not infrequently many students prefer to play games than going to school. They neglect their obligation to study in search of temporary pleasure. Although uncertain, this kind of thing certainly threatens their future.

6. Spending Too Much Time at the Internet Cafe

For some students, playing in an internet cafe has always been the first choice. Apart from the fact that sometimes the PC specifications there are more adequate, they can also play together with their friends so that the game will feel more exciting. However, too late in the fun can make a student lose track of time and go home late into the night.

7. Forgetting to Do Tasks

Play games excessively can make a student procrastinate their activities. Including procrastinating when going to work on assignments. At first it might just start with “one more level”. However, because they were too busy playing, the task was forgotten. In the end, the existing tasks will not be completed. On the contrary, it accumulates and adds to the burden in the future.

8. Waste of money

When you are addicted to playing games, many people are willing to spend a large amount of money, good to buy games both new and indoor items games. Maybe this is not a problem if you are already working alone. However, what if you still have student status? Of course this will be a problem, because they only have a limited allowance of pocket money. In fact, it could be money that shouldn’t be used to buy vouchers abused.

9. Performance Declines

As a student, of course, you have to try your best to get good grades. However, forgetting to do assignments, not studying, and fatigue will greatly contribute to causing a student’s achievement to decline. Forgetting to do assignments will certainly make their grades empty. Meanwhile, not studying will make it difficult for them to do test questions at school.

The decline in performance at first may not be so pronounced. However, when bad grades accumulate continuously, be prepared to receive reports of learning outcomes with unsatisfactory grades.

10. Being scolded by parents

This will probably be the culmination of it all. When parents find that their children often do not do their homework, start to be lazy to study, often spend time in internet cafes, causing their achievement to decline, they will naturally get angry. In fact, it could even give punishment. One of the worst things that can happen is forbidding their children to play games again. If that’s the case, of course regret will be of no use.

Those are the consequences that can occur when a student is addicted to playing games. However, the thing to remember is that not all students are like that, there are still many students who can limit themselves. If you are reading this article and you are still a student, you should not do the things above, keep yourself under control and study diligently for the future.

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