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7 Most Iconic Bald Characters in Video Games

Slick, shiny, and clean, that’s what certainly comes to mind when you meet the word “bald”. But not a few also imagine how the state of the head which is generally quite natural when we are born. If having hair is an obstacle to getting cool, then balding is the ninja way to go. All for the sake of eternal natural coolness.

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In video games, bald characters are sometimes synonymous with antagonists. I don’t know what possessed the creators, but these shiny-headed characters seem to have an intimidating image. Even so, there are also characters who are actually good and just doing their job.

Making a bald character in the game looks easy at first glance, but it will be very difficult to get an iconic title. This is because there are many things that developers need to do, not only in terms of visuals, but also in terms of background and nature. Make it timeless and will be remembered by his fans.

I’ve rounded up about seven of the most iconic bald characters in video games. Who are they? Here’s the list.

7. Heihachi Mishima – Tekken

Heihachi MishimaDespite having hair on the right and left of his ears, Heihachi Mishima is the most iconic slick-headed character in the series. Tekken. He is the main antagonist as well as the person who founded The King of Ironfist Tournament or Tekken. Simply put, without Heihachi’s presence, Tekken wouldn’t be a video game.

Heihachi is the grandfather of Jin Kazama and the father of Kazuya Mishima. Mishima family conflict between grandfather/father, son, and grandson makes Tekken have a timeless iconic drama until the seventh series.

6. Dhalsim – Street Fighter

DhalsimThis bald monk is one of the characters that appear in the series Street Fighter. The Yoga expert has iconic super abilities since his debut in Street Fighter II. He is able to extend his arms and legs to attack his enemies. Not only that, he is also able to shoot fireballs and land burn damage to each of his opponents.

5. Kane – Command and Conquer

KaneKane is the most charismatic leader of the Brotherhood of Nod who appears as the main enemy of GDI in the series Command and Conquer. He is a person who is considered a “prophet” for the Brotherhood of Nod. His unknown identity led him to become one of the characters with various conspiracies.

With an IQ of around 196, Kane has been named a genius by psychological analyst GDI. This is evidenced by the increasing power of the Brotherhood of Nod in the Tiberium war as a superpower. With him, he managed to bring Nod to have the same power as GDI.

4. James Heller – Prototype 2

James HellerJames Heller is the main character of the open-world action game Prototype 2. The former United States Marine is a Blacklight Being, or a person who has been infected with the Blacklight virus and has mutated his body with superpowers. The virus was injected by Alex Mercer, the main character of his first iteration when Heller was assigned to kill Mercer.

Seeking revenge for the virus, Heller explores the city to find out the origins of Alex Mercer, the Blackwatch squad, and the Blacklight virus pandemic.

3. Yuri – Command and Conquer Red Alert & 2: Yuri’s Revenge

YuriYuri was actually a unit of the Soviets in Command and Conquer Red Alert. He is able to hypnotize several enemy units to be controlled by the player with his mind control tool. In the story, he was the highest adviser to the Romanovs, the leader of the Soviet troops. He is also the person responsible for the outbreak of the third world war that occurred in the game. His mind control technology has successfully enslaved the American people.

But his intelligence makes Yuri thirst for power and form a new faction in Yuri’s Revenge as the new leader of the Soviet unit. He stole Soviet cloning technology and cloned himself weaker in order to control all factions in the game.

2. Kratos – God of War

Kratos“Boy… Boo….” maybe that’s the word that briefly crossed the minds of gamers about Kratos. However, Kratos’ debut began when he was young and did not have children like Atreus. He was born in Sparta, and was a highly respected soldier and general. Until finally he killed his daughter and wife.

Kratos got the title The Ghost of Sparta from Ares after carrying out his mission. He later became the god of war and killed Ares, making him a real god and taking revenge on his own father, Zeus, Olympia, and the Titans who had betrayed him. After successful revenge, Kratos then went to the world of the Norse gods and stopped at Midgard. He married a woman named Faye who gave him a son named Atreus. After Faye breathed her last, she and Atreus traveled through the nine worlds.

1. Agent 47 – Hitman

Hitman2 Johnny
Not this one
Agent 47
Nah this one

Agent 47 is a super intelligent professional assassin with no feelings who is able to do his job very well. It was originally a mixed DNA clone of the five criminals who made it: Pablo Orchoa, Ort Meyer, Lee Hong, Frantz Fuchs, and Arkadij Jegorov.

Ort Meyer as the brain of the maker aims to create a “perfect killer” who is able to fulfill any orders given without asking too many questions. Of the many trials, 47 was the only one that was the most successful.

Those are the seven most iconic bald characters in my version of the game. From the list above we know that baldness will not end it all, because some of the characters above can still be excited to live, even though there is not a single hair on their head.

Is one of the characters above your favorite? Drop your comments below if there are other iconic characters that we missed.

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