8 Types of Gamers Steam Users Judging by Their Habits
One distribution platform games digital that is widely used by gamer currently is Steam. This is supported by a number of factors, including the number of games available and easy to access. Currently there are more than 150 million accounts Steam registered.
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Talk about para gamer user Steam, they certainly have their own habits. In the following, we have divided the types gamer user Steam into 8 types when viewed from their habits. Check out the list below.
1. Sultan
Just like his name, gamer this one is a type gamer the excess budget. When you look at the profile Steam they, guaranteed to be envied, for usually displaying their fierce computer specs plus showcase various game items rare with exorbitant price owned. If you peek further inside library them, you will be made salivating with games latest in it.
2. Wasteful
Type gamer this one might be practically almost similar to the sultan. However, among tens or even hundreds games they have only a few that are actually played. Meanwhile, most of the others only serve as decoration library only.
3. Seller
If there are gamer which use Steam to make a profit by selling gift, Steam Wallet, or items, They are Seller. Type gamer this one is easy to recognize by looking at the profile Steam-his. They usually include a price list items or games which they sell. You can also find testimonials from buyers who have used their services.
4. Decorator
Gamers this one seems to be the type who likes aesthetics the most. If you visit the profile page Steam them, you will be treated to showcase art in the form of images or moving images that are made together with the background as a decoration to beautify the appearance of the profile.
5. Collector Badge
This type can be recognized by looking at the badge and level Steam they have. Gamers this always completes every card in games to get badge with the highest level. If that’s the case, automatically account level Steam they will go up. Gamers this usually also includes the type of sultan.
6. Reviewers
Compared to other types, gamer This is the easiest to find the advantages and disadvantages of each games that they play and communicate with others. Therefore, type gamer this makes a lot review to help gamer others in making considerations before buying a games.
7. Free Hunters
As the name suggests, gamer This type can be identified by looking library them, the contents are usually free-to-play games and games which has been free before. If you look at his profile, you won’t find anything flashy, only the appearance default only with a few changes.
8. Nolep
Now, gamer This one is usually a person who has no other job. They always on line and play games at all times. If gamer this type is in friend list-mu, whenever you log in you will always find that they are playing games.
That was 8 types gamer user Steam when viewed from the habit according to Gamebrot. Which type are you? Or even a type that we did not mention at all above? Don’t forget to leave a comment share this article to your friends so they know too.
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