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Digital Homocide Drops Lawsuit Against 100 Steam Users Due to Threat of Bankruptcy

A few weeks ago, dev. indie Digital Homocide again creating controversy by trying to sue not one or two people, but 100 users Steam $18 million for negative criticism of their games.

We are now officially on the platform Tiktok! Follow our Tiktok account at to find various information and our other interesting video content.

Valve as the owner of the Steam service, they are not happy with the way Digi Hom has treated customers arbitrarily, and immediately removed the distribution of the game from the studio that contains these two people. This was not accepted by Digital Homocide and threatened to sue Valve for the problem.


But after the “sensation-seeking” carried out by this developer in the last few weeks, James Romine, one of the owners of this studio revealed via TechRaptor that Valve’s decision to remove the circulation of their game made their studio “destroyed” in their finances and were forced to drop the lawsuit because they no longer had the funds to continue the case.

“The dismissal of our case was only due to financial problems due to the loss of circulation of our games. I believe that what we are doing is very concrete. There are more than 140 false statements from 11 steam users, 10 of these thousands of posts are trying to harass me and my subscribers…

And I’m branded the bad guy here to protect some of my customers. We’ve gotten tons of bad emails but there have been over 50 positive emails in the last year some of them don’t even speak English. Some of our supporters want to speak publicly but they don’t want themselves to be harassed by our haters, which I can understand.”

For another case where Digital Homocide demanded $10 million from Youtuber and critics Jim Sterling for the same reason, the case is “pending a dismissal” which means it has not been dismissed, at least for now.

However, it seems that Digital Homocide has left the game business because Romine himself mentioned that they were “crushed” and “trapped too deep”.

I honestly don’t know if I should feel sorry for Digital Homocide, seeing as they have treated their customers the way they want and don’t want to accept negative criticism and the fact that they stole assets from other games.


What is brott’s opinion on this Digital Homocide controversy? Are they entitled to this financial problem?

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