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Due to Censorship and Spread of Mortal Kombat Film Spoilers, Netizens Condemn LSF

If you visit the Indonesian Film Censorship Institute or LSF Twitter account, then don’t be surprised if this account is currently filled with criticism from netizens. This is due to problems regarding the Mortal Kombat film which just aired this week. Where in the film there are many scenes that are exposed to censorship which of course makes the audience disappointed. Especially Mortal Kombat fans in Indonesia.

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The film’s censorship was initially discovered through the official LSF website, where in the column oreview it says the film is only 95 minutes long, which should be 110 minutes. LSF also clarified that it was just a typo and the film would still be 110 minutes long. Currently, the error has been fixed.

Unfortunately, the typo doesn’t mean there aren’t any censored scenes. In fact, there are still parts of the film that are cut, especially the scenes fatality. Through his interview with, Rommy Febri as the head of LSF stated that there were indeed scenes that were cut but only for about 4 seconds. The cuts are also considered not too significant so that according to him it will not reduce the integrity of the story.

Mortal Kombat Scorpion Sub Zero 1280x720

Rommy also explained that the cuts were not made by the LSF but from the film owner himself. LSF only gave some inputs, such as “how come the intestines burst” for example. The rest of the film editing is done by the film owner. This censorship is also carried out to adjust film standards in Indonesia. Because, according to Rommy, if it is not censored, the film will probably not be allowed to enter Indonesian cinemas.

However, netizens’ disappointment does not seem to be due to censorship alone. Some Twitter users are also still angry with LSF for spreading film spoilers. Initially, maybe the account manager just wanted to share a synopsis of the film through his tweet on Twitter. However, it seems that the synopsis reveals too much of the plot so that netizens’ anger is even more intense. (WARNING!! The following tweet has the potential to contain spoilers)

The censorship controversy has often afflicted LSF Indonesia. Some time ago, there were also problems with censorship in the films Deadpool and Avengers: Infinity War which went viral to foreign countries.

Not only the film, the game Mortal Kombat 11 is also currently “bannedin Indonesia and a number of other countries. Of course, this is because of the Fatality system, which contains quite brutal scenes of violence.

Also read other interesting information related to Mortal Kombat and the latest articles from Lauda Ifram. For further information and other inquiries, you can contact us via [email protected]

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