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Holiday with Just Cause 3

Rico Rodriguez then Scorpion will entertain us again in the world of video games. Yup, this game series made by Avalanche Studios is indeed quite popular among gamers. In Just Cause 3, we will play using the Scorpion again, but with different settings, more optimized gameplay and more emphasis on graphics. How are you not? Just Cause 2 is already really good, plus a super big map

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Settings from Just Cause 3 uses a mediterranean area that uses the backdrop of the Republic of Medici led by General Di Ravello. It’s different from the 2nd series which uses the Republic of background tinea versicolor Panau. What is clear, the gameplay of Just Cause 3 will be very solid, the hallmark of Just Cause, namely the grappling hook is also more perfect, plus Rico’s wingsuit and gadgets, guaranteed explosions are more flavorful than the previous series :v Supported by solid game graphics, Just Cause 3 may be one of the best-selling Action-Adventure games this year.

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The minimum specifications of Just Cause 3 are not known for certain, but soon it might be out. So, just be patient guys, maybe it’s not too heavy. Why? because I’m handsome :v Yes, if you look at the previous series, Just Cause is a light game.

For those of you who want to pre-order, you can check it directly on Steam. The price is also not very expensive, only Rp 390,000, – only. Incidentally, there is a 10% pre-order discount, so just go straight ahead at a price of Rp. 350.000,- Plus the pre-order advantage, it’s not much different from other games, if you pre-order there will be a bonus Hurry up and grab it before this year’s holiday, in the winter range Just Cause 3 will be released. Greetings and handsome!

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