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Pokemon TCG Indonesia "Deck META Espeon / Garbodor" which is super annoying and hard to kill

Hello guys, so now I want to talk about one of the META decks. What is META? META means “Most Effective Tactics Avaible” in Indonesian, meaning the most effective strategy to win a match.

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META Pokemon TCG Indonesia itself is still small because only 1 set has been released. META decks currently available are Vikavolt / Tapu Bulu, Hooh / Kiawe, Metagross / Nekrozma and Espeon / Garbodor. The four decks are META in this set and of course all decks use 3 Tapu CATFISH which is now the price is soaring high. Alright, without further ado, let’s take a look at this decklist from Espeon.

Pokemon Cards:
2x Sylveon GX
2x Espeon GX
4x Eeve Ability
1x Drama GX
2x Garbodor
2x Trubbish
2x Mimikyu
3x Tapu Catfish GX

Support Card:
4x Lilies
4x Professor Kukui
4x Guzma
2x Hau
1x Ilima
1x Pokemon Swap
4x Ultra Ball
1x Relief Stretcher
1x Weakness Insurance
1x Field Blower
3x Dumbbells
2x Energy Lottery

Energy Card Required:
5x Psychic Energy
5x Fairy Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

How to play:

Ideally on the first turn we have Eeve Ability and Fairy / Psychic Energy, if we have Fairy Energy then our Eeve will turn into Sylveon and we can use Magic Ribbons to get the cards we need, if we have Psychic Energy then our Eeve will turns into Espeon and we can use Psychedelic Rays to make Opposing Pokemon Confuse.

The essence of playing from this deck is Stalling (prolonging the enemy so they can’t kill our pokemon) while waiting for the tool items in the enemy’s trash to pile up, if it has piled up we can use Garbodor to one hit enemy Pokemon (1 Energy, generate damage of 20 each tool item in the opponent’s trash).

Don’t forget to use Espeon’s GX ability to kill dangerous enemy basic pokemon (eg Grubbin or Beldum).

Review Vs Deck Meta:

Vs Tapu Bulu / Vikavolt

This matchup is pretty good for Espeon because GX from Espeon can kill Grubbin first before he becomes Vikavolt, Vikabulu’s Deck itself also uses quite a lot of Item Tools (Rare Candy, Ultra Ball, etc.) so it’s profitable for Garbodor.

But if the Vikabulu field can go first, the chances of winning for Espeon are quite difficult because Tapu Bulu GX + Kukui can cause 200 damage so that our Espeon and Sylveon can be One Shot by the enemy.

Vs Hooh / Tortunator

This matchup was quite difficult because Hooh didn’t need a bench to set up his field, he just needed a Kiawe Supporter to start his action. A burst of fire from Hooh + Kukui can also cause 200 damage so it can One Shot our Espeon and Sylveon.

Vs Espeon / Garbodor

This matchup is quite tricky because Espeon GX itself has Psychic Weakness so that the opponent’s Espeon GX and Garbodor attacks will cause double the damage to our Espeon GX. We can install using Sylveon, but the one who will win first is the field whose Espeon GX can be first and can control the Arena.

Vs Metagross / Necrozma

This matchup is practically balanced, even though our Espeon can kill enemy Beldum with its GX, our Sylveon has a Steel weakness, so all attacks from enemy Metagross will cause 2x damage.

The Metagross deck also uses quite a lot of Item Tools, so our Garbodor can inflict a fairly painful attack.

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