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Unreal Engine 5 Demo On Next-gen Tech Yesterday's Demo Can Run On Today's PC Hardware

Yesterday on May 14, 2020 Epic Games tell about Unreal Engine 5, on his appearance in first next-gen tech demo unreal engine 5 displays several new features that make us amazed when we see it and reportedly the demo that was shown yesterday is running on the next-gen console from Sony namely PS5. However, Epic Games itself informed that yesterday’s next-tech demo could also be run on current hardware.

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For the new features that were present and displayed on the next-gen tech demo Unreal Engine 5 yesterday, there are two main features that are very interesting for us to know more deeply, including the following:


The first and most interesting is Nanite, Nanite virtualized micropolygon geometry frees game developers to make geometric details as clear as possible as far as our eyes can catch. Nanite geometry allows channeling and di scaled by realtime, thus there is no longer a limit on the number of polygons, a limit on polygon memory, or a limit on the number of draws. no need to do bake detail to normal map or create LODs manually. In addition, this technology will eliminate pop-ins from distant objects.


Solution for Global Illumination which will be completely dynamic which instantly reacts to scene and light changes, this rendering system creates diffuse interreflection with infinite reflection and indirect specular reflection in large, detailed environments, on scales from kilometers to millimeters. In this way, artists and designers can create scene more dynamic using Lumen.

Reported from PCGamer, a chief technical officer from Epic Game that is Kim Libreri said that the Unreal Engine 5 demo can actually run on current PC hardware. Not only that, even you can expect pretty good performance on high-end GPUs and there is the latest news from Epic Games, namely that the battle royale game, Fortnite, is planned to move its engine to Unreal Engine 5 in mid-2021! .

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