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Farewell Puzzle Puzzle from Member Evos? | SPIN

Some time ago we were surprised by the smells of goodbye mentioned by the members or players of the Evos Legends team. In the Instagram posts of the Evos members, such as Rekt, Wannn, Rexxy, Buts and many others uploaded a farewell-smelling post.

In the Instagram posts of each of these players, they contain farewell captions such as farewell, good luck and others. Meanwhile, for the appearance in the photo that is the main focus of attention is the Zeys jersey which is held by Buts.

It’s still not clear what this post means, but what is certain is the smells of goodbye. You can see this for yourself from the Instagram caption of the Evos members in the photo.

source: zeys

We ourselves have our own personal opinion regarding the post, we judge that it is indeed a farewell message. But in more detail, there are three things that are meant by our version of this post.

First is that’s a message for Zeys who will most likely leave Evos Legends from a trainer position. However, his departure is not to another game or to another team, but he will remain at Evos to become a player because previously rumors that he was a very fast growing player in the pro scene of Mobile Legends Indonesia.

The second is a farewell to Evos’ old jersey, which, incidentally, in the photo belongs to Zeys. It’s true that some time ago, Evos released their latest jersey for season 6 in a few months. The jersey has been officially released and you can see it for yourself on Evos’ official Instagram account.

The third is Luminaire’s farewell. We are of the opinion that this farewell is for Luminaire, who has recently been rumored to be taking a hiatus from the pro scene to continue her education. And in the photo there is also no Luminaire who should be in GH if he was still a player for Evos Legends.

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

These three things are just ordinary speculations, yes spinners from us, the truth is still in doubt because only the people who are in Evos know! How do you respond spinners, do you agree with our opinion, or do you have your own opinion that makes more sense? Don’t forget to keep visiting website us, to get the latest eSports news!

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