Garena Opens Costume Design Contest Free Fire!
Garena Opens Costume Design Contest Free Fire! Garena as the developer of the Free Fire game constantly tries to get closer to the Free Fire community so that Free Fire is not only a game, but can be used as a place for creation for creators.
Recently Garena has announced that it will hold a costume design contest for anyone who is interested in submitting a design to Garena for their Free Fire game and the following is the contest timeline:
1. Design submission: 10 July – 9 August 2020. Designs can be submitted via the website by clicking the upload design button on the website.
2. Election Phase: 10-23 August 2020. The Garena Free Fire Team will review and select the submitted work in this phase.
3. Voting: August 24-30, 2020. Free Fire players have 10 votes every day. Each account cannot vote for the same submission more than once per day.
4. Announcement of Results: 3 September 2020
source: Free Fire
The following are the requirements for the Free Fire costume design contest:
1. Download samples and templates for reference
2. Create your clothing design
3. Fill in the template: Name of costume, description, UID FF, front and back side of your design
4. Upload your photo template:
a) JPG or png format (less than 1MB)
b) Dimensions 1200px x 900px
c) 4: 3 aspect ratio
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source: Free Fire
Assessment criteria:
1.3 winners for each region will be selected based on the last vote from the official regional art / operation team. Garena will also consider the voting results. The final decision on all winning works will be based on originality, creativity and how well it fits into the tone of our current game.
2. One popularity award and ten finalists from each region will be selected by voting.
3. Each application cannot win more than one award.
So for spinners who are interested in participating in the design contest from Free Fire, you can directly visit the website here. Don’t forget to keep visiting our website, to get the latest eSports news and follow our Facebook!
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