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Guide to playing LoL Wild Rift for Mobile Legends players

Guide to playing LoL Wild Rift for Mobile Legends players. The mobile version of the League of Legends game, namely League of Legends: Wild Rift has opened closed beta tester (CBT) in Indonesia.

The enthusiasm of Indonesian gamers for this game is fairly high, especially those who don’t have time to play League of Legends PC and also fans of other MOBA games, especially players. Mobile Legends who wants to play Wild Rift.

For spinners who are Mobile Legends players and want to play LoL Wild Rift later, here is a guide for you so you don’t get confused when playing.

ALSO READ: 3 Reasons Mobile Legends (ML) Players Will Move to LoL Wild Rift!

Explanation of Lane and Role

Lane LoL Wild Rift Guide for Mobile Legends Players
Photo via: Riot Games

Lane in Wild Rift is divided into 3 lanes, namely:

  • Baron Lane – This lane is located above or if in Mobile Legends it is called the side lane top or top lane.
  • Mid Lane – Just like Mobile Legends, the name for the middle lane is mid lane.
  • Dragon Lane – This lane located below or in Mobile Legends is called a side lane bot or bot lane.

For the role, the position itself exists 4 that is:

  • 1 Baron Laner – Usually using a champion tank or fighter who will be at the forefront when the war occurs.
  • 1 Jungler – Mobile Legends has just presented a role jungler, but in LoL there is already one. His job is to do farming in the jungle while rotating for ganking. Junglers usually use a champion Assassin or fighter who has fast clearing camp capabilities.
  • 1 Mid Laner – Usually filled by the champion Mage or Assassin.
  • 2 Dragon Laner – This Dragon Lane will be filled by 2 players, namely players who use champion Marksman and champion support.

Don’t forget to buy items at the base

Unlike Mobile Legends, you have to recall to the base to buy items. So you have to know the price of the item in advance so that if you feel that you have enough gold, you can recall to the base to buy the item.

ALSO READ: Head of Esports EVOS Leaks Oura Price When at EVOS, Equal to RRQ Lemon?

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

Last Hit Minion

Last Hit Minion LoL Wild Rift
Photo via: Riot Games

Mobile Legends does not require you to last hit minions, tap on LoL you have to do it to get gold. The last hit minions in Wild Rift have been made easy.

If the blood minions have turned a little and turn white, then you can hit or skill the minions to get gold, because the blood indicator turns white means it only takes 1 more time to be hit.

Ward and Plant

LoL Wild Rift Plant
Photo via: Riot Games

In LoL there is something called Ward and Plant. Ward has the effect of providing vision for a certain time limit because the map in LoL is dark, unlike the light in Mobile Legends.

You have to install the ward in a place where enemy players might pass, but your ward can also be destroyed by the enemy. While the Plant is divided into 3 pieces and different effects.

  • Scryer’s Bloom (light blue): Opens the map in the specified direction and gives True Sight
  • Honeyfruit (green): Heals HP for 3 times, but slows itself down when consumed
  • Blast Cone (red): Throws anyone around away from the point of the plant. Can jump terrain.

That’s a guide for you Mobile Legends players who want to play LoL Wild Rift, hope this helps!

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