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The Latest Counter Hero Yu Zhong in Mobile Legends!

The Latest Counter Hero Yu Zhong in Mobile Legends! As we previously know, Mobile Legends recently released a new hero named Yu Zhong in their game. This hero has a role fighter and has a very unique skill that can change the form of a black dragon.

You can also have this hero by buying it at a shop for 32,000 Battle Points and of course you don’t regret it after buying this hero because Yu Zhong himself can be played not as a Fighter but as a support hero, which is also very suitable for this hero.

Indeed, after the release of this hero, many players played Yu Zhong as their hero in a match. Maybe players are interested in playing Yu Zhong because his skills are very unique, which can turn into a dragon, but it seems that not only that the players are also interested in Yu Zhong’s damage.

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How could Yu Zhong not be able to attack the opponents around him in one attack, this skill is also very suitable for clearing minions. Therefore, seeing Yu Zhong, who is currently entering the meta game of Mobile Legends, you also have to know what heroes can counter him! Here are some of the Yu Zhong Mobile Legends hero counters that you can try.

1. Selena

The first hero counter of Yu Zhong is Selena where this hero can stun Yu Zhong long enough so that it is very effective at making Yu Zhong helpless in the match and has no time to issue his skills.

2. Kimmy

Having a far enough attack range makes this hero the most fitting hero to counter Yu Zhong, who incidentally attacks from close range. In addition, Kimmy is also equipped with burst damage which is quite painful since the early game making this hero the most fitting hero to counter Yu Zhong.


3. Helcurt

Who doesn’t know this hero, this hero can count all the heroes in Mobile Legends thanks to its silent effect, including fighting Yu Zhong, who won’t be able to issue skills if he meets Helcurt. In addition, Helcurt also has quite high burst damage and makes Yu Zhong even more helpless against him.

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Those are some of Yu Zhong’s hero counters that you can try now! How do you respond spinners, is there anything you want to add or not? Btw don’t forget if you want to attack Yu Zhong, make sure he is in his real body, don’t attack when Yu Zhong is in Dragon mode because it will be useless.

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