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Crystal Dynamics Wants Their Mysterious Avengers Game to Win "Game of the Year"

Exciting to hear Square Enix officially cooperated with Marvel to create an Avengers game at AAA tier a few years ago. But unfortunately, in the midst of such a high sense of hype, Square Enix has never provided any information regarding his ambitious project to date.

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hook Crystal Dynamics to handle this project, they are still “busy” with talent recruitment, especially for the narrative director position who is in charge of bringing the narrative storytelling to its full potential. Interestingly, in the existing application form, Crystal Dynamics includes the requirements of an ambitious narrative director who is determined to bring this Avengers game to the Game of the Year title.

Crystal Dynamics pursue GOTY quality through the director’s narrative application form they provide.

With such a mature development time and high requirements, it seems Crystal Dynamics & Square Enix no kidding in handling this ambitious and mysterious project.

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