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5 Types of Warships in World of Warships

As a warship simulation game, of course, World of Warships always tries to provide action-packed battles and the experience of driving a warship in video games. Of course, in order to make the experience even more real, Wargaming as the developer tried various types of ships from the real world into the game. In total there are 5 types of ship classes presented by the developer, one of which is a submarine that was just added in an update some time ago. These ships of course have several types of weapons and different ways of playing. Where each ship requires a different strategy to maximize its capabilities and win the game.

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Therefore, on this occasion Gamebrott will discuss the 5 classes of ships in World of Warships, as well as the strategies that are in place when you use the various types of ship classes that exist.

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Come on, what are you waiting for! Immediately play World of Warships and witness the exciting action-action of warship battles!

1.Destroyer – The Ship of Destruction

The destroyer itself can be said to be a ship class that you must master, because this ship has a gameplay mechanism that is suitable for those of you who are new to World of Warships. With speed, cruising range, and the ability to defend and attack that can be considered balanced, the Destroyer is the type of ship most often used by players. In gameplay, this ship becomes so dangerous because it naturally has speed, so it can easily detect enemy ships. With that speed, the Destroyer ship can easily get out and enter the battlefield, while firing torpedoes which are its main weapon to sink the opponent’s ship.

Although it has a lower destructive power than other ship classes, the Destroyer’s torpedoes are capable of dealing damage to all types of ships in World of Warships. In addition, the smoke screen ability possessed by this ship can be a perfect defense to disturb and protect your allied ships from enemy attacks. The main key to playing with the Destroyer ship is your ability to maneuver with the speed he has and take advantage of the smoke screen ability to defend against enemy attacks.

Interesting for the class of destroyers, each country has its own uniqueness in World of Warships. Where the Destroyer ships, America has a complete weapon and high destructive power, while the Japanese Destroyer ship has it will be more difficult to detect by the opponent.

  • Tips for Playing Using Destroyer:

-The main ability of the Destroyer is its speed and fast maneuverability. Take advantage of that to get closer to the enemy

-Always keep your distance! Destroyer is very easy to sink, but the destructive power of the torpedo will increase dramatically as the distance from the enemy gets closer.

-Take advantage of the small islands on the map to hide

-Don’t use Binocular mode too often

2.Cruisers – Multifunctional Ship

Cruisers itself is arguably a multifunctional ship that will be a counter as well as a natural enemy for destroyer ships. Although the Cruisers’ abilities themselves are not too special, the role of this cruiser is so crucial because it is able to play such a vital role. The main role of the Cruisers ship itself is to destroy the enemy’s Destroyer ships, as well as destroy enemy aircraft using their AA fire.

Your responsibility as a Cruisers ship driver is to make sure each allied ship stays afloat as long as possible in the game, by constantly monitoring the course of the battlefield. So that your ability to read the game will be the key to victory. Cruisers themselves are able to fill many roles in the game, both as ships attacking or defending, because they have a balance of both attack and defense. But this ship itself is actually a versatile ship that is able to adapt to battlefield conditions.

Each country has its own unique Cruisers, such as the German Kriegsmarine which has a Precise Aiming System that makes your shots more accurate when firing, or the Italian ship which has stronger defenses than Cruisers from other countries.

  • Tips for Playing With Cruisers:

-Always pay attention to the map, because your job is to attack and defend

-Always keep an eye on nearby allied ships

-Avoid enemy Battleships ship class. Your main task is to protect allied ships from attack

-Maximum AA weapons to destroy enemy planes.

3.Battleships – The Giants Full of Weapons

Battleships themselves are giant warships designed to dominate the course of battle. With its characteristics with thick armor, complete weapons and high destructive power, making Battleships designed as ships that rely on strength. So the strategy used by Battleships itself is relatively easy because it is in charge of destroying the opposing ships with their weapons. You could say Battleships themselves are ships with complete super weapons, ranging from long-range attacks capable of targeting opposing ships, to AA weapons to attack enemy aircraft.

The key to playing with Battleships alone is to keep your distance and destroy your opponents from a distance. Because, behind the destructive power and extraordinary defense, the main weakness of this type of ship from the Battleships class is the low speed of maneuver, and the weapon reload time which takes quite a long time. So that the attack distance becomes the main key in using this ship class. Although this ship can withstand enemy attacks due to its strong armor, the most effective way to use Battleships is to stay behind the lines of battle while utilizing its incredible destructive power to sink enemy ships.

Although designed as a destroyer with thick armor, the countries in World of Warships still have advantages in terms of Battleships. Like Japan, which has the Yamato with high destructive power, and ships from the US Navy which are ships that have the highest accuracy in long-range attacks.

  • Tips for Playing Battleships:

-Be patient and crush your opponents from the back line of battle.

-Shooting accuracy is key. By playing using distance, as well as time-consuming reloading, you must be wise in attacking.

-Plan your route. Don’t let you get stuck in the enemy’s area, because the maneuverability and speed of this class of ships is quite slow

-Use open areas to fight. Avoid areas with small islands and always take advantage of ranged attacks.

4.Aircraft Carrier – The Dangerous Strategist

You could say the Aircraft Carrier class of ships is designed with unique abilities and offers an interesting game for those of you who are fond of a strategic play style. Because this type of ship has a way of playing that is very different from the class of ships in the World of Warships game. Because the ability of the Aircraft Carrier itself is able to reach and attack enemies on the map with the planes it has.

Aircraft Carrier itself is arguably a ship that has quite complete weapons depending on what type of strategy you will use. In total there are four types of aircraft, namely Torpedo Bombers, Dive Bombers, and Fighters. Each of these aircraft will have a specific role and use in an attack, here are the uses of the types of aircraft from the Aircraft Carrier.

-Torpedo Bombers, unleashes torpedo attacks with high destructive power. Although the movement is relatively slow, the damage it causes is overtime damage, so it deals continuous damage.

-Dive Bombers, Almost the same as Torpedo Bombers, but the damage caused causes a fire effect and the damage caused is overtime damage

-Fighters, when compared to Torpedoes and Dive Bombers which are used to attack, Fighters are more used as a means of defense. Where Fighters are able to protect allied ships while attacking enemy Destroyer and Cruiser ships that try to attack.

With the ability to reach enemies throughout the map area, position is key when playing with Aircraft Carrier. By staying from a safe distance while gathering information on the enemy’s location, the main drawback of this class of ships which lies in its weak survivability can be covered.

  • Tips for Playing Aircraft Carrier

-Take advantage of the Aircraft Carrier’s ability to attack all ships on the map, while staying in a safe area.

-Maximize the various types of aircraft capabilities possessed by the Aircraft Carrier both for attack and defense

-Don’t be too afraid to attack! Even though your attack doesn’t hit the enemy, the attack from the Aircraft Carrier can be used to find the position of the enemy ship.

5.Submarine – Destroyer from the Seabed

The main thing that you must master to successfully use Submarine, is to master the maneuverability / movement of this one ship. Unlike the ship class in general which uses WASD as its main control in maneuvering, the ship itself has several additional buttons to be able to rise to the surface with F and C to dive in the water. Meanwhile, to lock the ship’s position you need to press Ctrl + F or Ctrl + C. So that in using Submarine your maneuverability will hold the key to the game through Submarine Battles mode, of course this ship class is interesting to discuss.

Both of these modes have different abilities and uses. When on the surface, you will have the advantage that it makes it easier for you to know the location of your enemy freely, considering the distance of the field that is displayed more clearly. So that when you are in water mode itself, it is more intended to observe the location and determine what strategy is right to defeat your enemies. While in diving mode alone, it is more intended as an attack mode, considering that when you are at a depth of 6 to 30 meters, the position your ship will be more difficult to detect by enemy ships, so you can easily attack. In addition, when entering diving mode itself, it can only be known by enemy submarines.

Where on the water itself is the right time to determine the location of enemy ships and set up an attack strategy. As for the diving mode itself, it is devoted to executing enemy ships. So maneuverability.

-Save your battery! The battery function in the submarine itself is used as the main power of this one ship. Where you can’t continuously move at full speed in a diving state or use Sonar Ping.

-Use Sonar Ping to lock your opponent and maximize your torpedo attack.

-Attack enemies that are in a straight line. The torpedo from the Submarine itself is only able to reach the enemy in front of you.

-Aim for ships with large sizes.

Of course, all these ship classes have different functions and abilities in the game. However, the best strategy in winning the battle is good communication between players and your ability to maximize the abilities of the ships in World of Warships.

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