7 Reasons Why You Must Use Debate Games Before Downloading Games
Game Debate is a website that can help you find out the strength of your hardware and the specifications of a game. For those of you who doubt the power of hardware in a game. In addition they also have a community that can really help you with your PC hardware and gaming problems. No need to linger, Here are 7 Reasons Why You Must Use Debate Games Before Downloading Games.
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1. Have Special Software
This is one of the advantages of Game Debate, they have special software that really helps you check a game. Like Driver Pack or Driver Collection to fix drivers, GD software will also help you choose what games will run smoothly on your hardware. Unfortunately the feature can only be used by premium members.
2. Complete Game Collection
What is a Complete Game Collection. So Game Debate presents a large selection of games that have been reviewed, be it new games or old games. From high-end developers to indie developers. From games that people don’t touch to games that are very popular in society. Everything is there, but what is clear is that they will give your hardware performance for the game you choose.
3. Has Many Influential Variables
This is what makes gamedebate so special. The variables provided are quite diverse, ranging from the FPS you get, whether there is a bottleneck or not, the score of your hardware compared to the requirements and much more. This is certainly a consideration for those of you who want to buy a game, whether your hardware is able to handle the game and others. They will also give you a score for each of your hardware if you run a game.
4. Quite Accurate Than Others
GameDebate may have a lot of data drawn from tests they do, from multiple contributors or maybe from benchmarks a hardware company has put on a game. Regardless of where the source is, the information provided by GameDebate is quite accurate and promising. It is evident from several testimonials from Game Debate users.
5. Can Predict the Future of PC
You could say this point is a little off topic, but if you can predict the future of PC, of course you can get ready for the upcoming games. Game Debate gives your hardware score this year, of course with the logic of that score going down every year so you can guess that your hardware will feel old. Actually Game Debate also provides this feature, however, for years 2 and 3 it can only be seen by premium members.
6. Enough Complete Upgrade Suggestions
After giving an estimate about your PC they can also provide suggestions for upgrading your hardware. If you have some hardware that feels quite okay then they will provide suggestions for your hardware that is considered quite old. Not only that, they will provide several options according to your age and budget. Of course this will help in building your own special gaming PC.
7. Have a great community
Game Debate has a fairly lively community. They also often share their experiences in playing games, using certain hardware, to benchmarking against a game or hardware. Of course this is quite useful information in considering installing a game. You can also have a discussion or ask questions about a game or hardware that you want to have.
Those are 7 reasons why you must use the Debate Game before downloading the game. So what do you think? Are you ready to try Game Debate? Or maybe you have used the game debate? Please comment in the comments column, yes, hopefully it will be useful. That is all and thank you.
Also read other interesting information related to the G-List or other cool articles from Rajendra.
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