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Arma 3 and Analysis of In-Game Features

Armor 3 (Armed Assault 3) is a Video Game Game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive as a sequel to the previous game “Arma 2”. What makes Arma 3 different from previous Armas and other FPS in general? Let’s discuss further!

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Arma 3 offers a wide variety of weapons that can be used by Infantry and vehicles. From Pistols, Rifles, Launchers, Rifles everything is here! And the good thing is, it can be modified according to playstyle each player and role!

As a sniper, of course, you will use a rifle with a scope that can target enemies from a long distance, right? Or if you are a pilot who crashed in the middle of a battle. SMG will definitely be your standard to defend yourself.

The MX 3GL was originally just a rifle with a grenade launcher without any accessories.  It has now been modified to give it an advantage on the battlefield.
The MX 3GL was originally just a rifle with a grenade launcher without any accessories. It has now been modified to give it an advantage on the battlefield.
This rifle can also be modified with a specific Scope.  can be with the classic Iron Sight, Holographic Sight, MOS (Marksman Optic Sight), etc.
This rifle can also be modified with a specific Scope. can be with the classic Iron Sight, Holographic Sight, MOS (Marksman Optic Sight), etc.


Land, sea or air vehicles? Arma 3 offers a lot of vehicles with different motifs and patterns. Is that a sedan used by civilians? Trucks used for transport? Attack Helicopter to attack the enemy from the air? Submarine? It is in Arma 3.





And many more vehicles if you play Arma 3!


There are several Factions in Arma 3, namely:


Each has a story, and a different background.

The FIA ​​is the Guerilla of Altis.
The FIA ​​is the Guerilla of Altis.
CSAT (Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty)
CSAT (Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty)
AAF (Altis Armed Forces)
AAF (Altis Armed Forces)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty organization)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty organization)
Civilians living in Stratis & Altis.
Civilians living in Stratis & Altis.
CTRG (Combat Technology Research Group)
CTRG (Combat Technology Research Group)

Altis & Stratis

Altis & Stratis are both located on the Mediterranean Island. Altis area is 270 Km square, with lots of Urban, mountains, forest and beach. With such a large map, are you interested in exploring Altis? Altis’ real name is Limnos.

Stratic (or Agios Efstratios) is also adjacent to Altis. For clearer details can be read on this Wikipedia page: Stratis


Do you crave for underwater combat with infantry weapons? It was possible in Arma 3. In Arma 3 there was a weapon called SDAR which when filled with UW (underwater) magazines. The weapon can withstand the hydrostatic pressure of water. When used effectively this weapon is effective up to 40m!

SDAR is working underwater.
SDAR is working underwater.


You could sneak through the water to surprise your foes! Interested?


Most people will feel bored when the game is over and have to repeat the same level again. Not in Arma 3, Arma 3 offers a Simple but powerful Editor. For Beginners, there’s no harm in trying this editor, such as, install units, go to the intended place and finish off the enemy.


Or Advanced users can make more complex missions with scripts that are already available on the Bohemia Interactive website, the script can be seen here. Lots of tutorials out there, create your own missions to play alone or share with others!




Since the Arma 3 Bootcamp update, players who are new to Arma 3 can adapt to Arma 3 which is definitely different from other games.


The East Wind

cpl. Ben Kerry, Task Force Aegis, will leave Stratis, but before leaving Stratis. The island was attacked by AAF & CSAT, forcing NATO troops to survive. With Cpt. Miller is one of the Officers in Stratis, can they get out of Stratis safely?



Arma 3 is very wide, it is impossible from a distance of 1km you will be right on target if you shoot right at the Crosshair. Should be raised a little or known Arkansas Elevation. Very high zoom scopes (DMS, LPRS, MOS) can be set to zero. Let’s say the target is 1.2km away from us. Zeroing scope is 500m, so we have to increase it to 1.2km. If you can’t, use the method Arkansas Elevation.


Mods, User submitted Content

Arma 3 is integrated with Steam Workshop. It must be very boring to be able to use the same weapon. The good thing is Arma 3 is very easy to mod! Explore Steam Workshop Arma 3 and download the mod!


Focus on what features Arma 3 offers its players.


And there are many others and it may not be enough to describe one by one. Are you interested in playing this Arma 3?

Visit the Bohemia Interactive Website

Visit the Arma 3 Website

Visit the Arma 3 Website on Steam

Image source is mine personally because the screenshot is directly from the game.

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