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Celebrate April Fools, Valorant Gives Funny Patches to Entertain Players

Entering the beginning of April, of course, all internet citizens know what day is April fools day, which citizens or societies around the world make a joke that makes someone laugh. Now that social media is growing, not a few from gaming or media companies are participating in the event April fools this.

We are now officially on the platform Tiktok! Follow our Tiktok account at to find various information and our other interesting video content.

One of them is like Razer showing off Razer Rapunzel (RGB hair dye), then NVIDIA brought it NVIDIA G-Assist (USB which contains AI), and recently Riot Games also celebrated the day April fools namely by providing a hilarious patch update on the Valorant game.

In patch 33 1/3, Riot Games gave a buff to Brimstone smoke which was originally only 20 seconds, now it is 100 seconds. Then Breach also got a nerf in the form of a reduced number flashpoint (flash) which originally had 3 flashes, now only has 1 flash. Now button flash Phoenix’s was also added to 6 variants, namely left, right, up, down, behind, and towards the bottom of his feet.

Not only giving buffs and nerfs to agents, Riot Games is also being kind by giving away a set of free skins called “Matte Black collection” For the players, you can see photos of the skins below.


Apart from the hilarious patch above, Valorant has also previously released an update (Patch 2.06) of 1.1 GB which provides a massive buff to Viper and Yoru. The change is, whenever players touch Viper’s smoke, they (players) will receive 50 damage decay immediately and not gradually again like the previous patch. Not only that, the viper’s skill will remain on for 2 seconds even though he was shot dead by the opponent.

In this 2.06 patch, Yoru also gets a buff in the form of changing skills gatecrash (teleport) which originally had to kill the previous 2 players, now only needs to wait for 35 seconds.

Besides Yoru, Bucky’s shotgun also gets a nerf in the form of reduced damage, and a radius that will be received from the opponent. So the Bucky players are forced to come up with a new tactic to use their mainstay weapon.

Keep in mind, Patch 33 1/3 above is a patch to celebrate April fools just. While patch 2.06 is a really actual patch update. So please don’t take the first update seriously.

Read more about Valorant, and also follow other news about Video Games with me, Daffa Dhiya.

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