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In order to avoid scarcity, Microsoft will continue to boost production of Xbox Series consoles

Since the release of the console next-gen, gamers who want to buy Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X in some countries are faced with limited stock availability. In addition to the limited Xbox Series consoles due to the pandemic that has plagued almost the entire world, gamers also have to compete with Xbox hoarders for personal gain.

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So that these two problems are still one of the main discussions for Xbox or Microsoft. But now it seems Xbox and Microsoft are trying to cope by increasing the production of their consoles.

Quoted from Podcast Major Nelson, Phil Spencer as chief executive of Xbox said that Microsoft is currently trying to increase the production speed of their console. Not only that, to increase the availability of the Xbox console, Phil Spencer also asked Lisa Su (CEO of AMD) about how they (Microsoft) can get more custom AMD RADEON RDNA2 for Xbox Series S and X.

With the emergence of the steps that Microsoft and Xbox have taken, hopefully in the future there will be no more shortage of Xbox which leads to the soaring price of Microsoft’s console due to the actions of hoarders.

Read more about Xbox Series X, and also follow other news about Video Games with me, Daffa Dhiya. For press release and further collaboration, Contact me at [email protected]

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