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Meta Heroes and Strategies Often Used at The International 2019

TI 9 is over, The International itself always presents Indah’s strategies which are their mainstay. Teams one and the other have specific strategies they rely on to win The International. But among each strategy, of course there are several strategies that are often used by different teams. the following are strategies and meta heroes that are often used at The International 2019.

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Popular Strategies:

1. Teamfight Is Everything

You will feel that The International this time feels very fast, right? This is the reason why it can happen. At TI, it’s very rare to see a team that relies on Late Hero to win their game, it’s nothing, many teams prefer to force opponents 5 vs 5 in the Mid Game when there is a team using Late Hero. The above was also done by OG, where they chose heroes like Tiny, Void and others as cores. Where these heroes can be very strong with only 1, 2, 3 items.

2. Support with High Damage

This is the most visible meta of the game. Heroes like the Elder Titan and Shadow Demon were chosen because of this. Then why the lion is not often picked? even though the damage is large, yup the lion is indeed the damage is great but considering the cooldown and the need for lion level it is rarely picked. While the Elder Titan and Shadow Demon are capable of dealing high enough damage with a shorter cooldown. Then there is another support hero, namely Rubick or ogre Magi, what Rubick and Elder Titan are looking for may be passive while Ogre Magi rely on their Bloodlust skills that are able to support their cores to complete the game in the early or mid game phase.

3. Offlane that doesn’t just rely on hard

Yups, this is the meta that makes Enchantress and Tidehunter quite popular heroes along with Sand King. The three heroes have the same reason as Points 1 and 2, namely in the early to mid phase the three heroes are able to do quite a bit of damage, tide with its anchor smash which also has reduced damage, Enchantress with its impetus and Sandstrom for Sandking. With only 1 to 2 big items, these heroes are capable of dealing very painful damage.

4. Meta Buyback Still Strong

Meta buyback is still the mainstay of this TI. Turning things around with buybacks is what this meta is all about. Roshan’s fight, a fight near the shirne or tower, can be game changing. Meta buyback is able to trade 2 deaths to wipeout very quickly, especially when Ultimate Skill is still unused. This meta was able to bring OG to become the TI champion last year. With all the surprises that the buyback can bring, OG was able to produce a Next Level game that brought him the champion.

5. Big Ulti Is No Longer Useful

Still related to the meta buyback, Big Ulti is no longer useful because of this meta buyback. because the Buyback Big Ulti which has a long cooldown after being used, is able to become the master’s weapon. Big ulti here such as global silence, black holes and many others can be overcome with buybacks. By using buybacks when they make mistakes, those who rely on big ulti are useless, even though they can be overcome with refresher orbs, but really influential big ulti can only appear at certain times and are very difficult to happen again. When that moment is lost, it certainly has a big enough impact.

The Most Frequently Picked and Banned Heroes

1. Alchemist

In the current meta, alchemists are the most powerful. Early BKB after Radiance became Alchemist’s current flagship build. The power of the Alchemist now that can fight in the Early to mid game can be game changing. Therefore, Alchemists are often picked and banned, and Alchemists are the most frequently banned Heroes, about 139 times being banned.

2. Elder Titan

Elder Titan is the most frequently picked hero, 75 times. Able to deal great damage for harassing by utilizing his skills that are able to take damage. Elder Titan’s passive skill that can reduce either armor or magic resistance. This hero does have a capable enough to be used.

3. Shadow Demon

Large instant damage, magic damage if the stack is large, ulti that can disable, and disrupt that can do safe play or steal a very strong opponent’s shadow to inflict damage. Shadow Demon is in second place as a hero who is often picked 70 times.

4. Enchantress

Only with Bracer, Hood Defiance Enchantress is able to change the course of the match. Has Impetus which is capable of dealing massive damage without any items. With the items mentioned above, the weakness of the Enchantress, which is weak against magic damage, can be closed, and becomes one of the heroes that is difficult to kill and capable of dealing great damage. Enchantress herself was banned 131 times.

5. Tiny

Tiny is one of the heroes who is considered unbalanced. The damage from Aghanim Tiny is indeed very terrible coupled with his strength to do gangs and is able to provide damage throughout the early to mid game, making Tiny quite often chosen, let alone being a Core or mid. If Tiny meets an opponent who can fight him in the mid, Tiny can also change positions. Toss’s strength when playing in position 4 is also terrible, being able to pick off opponents easily.

6. Gyrocopter

The gyrocopter here is often picked to overcome the Enchantress, capable of dealing very large burst damage. The Gyro is able to survive in the lane with the Enchantress. Besides that, Gyro now no longer needs IO as his partner. Gyro does include a complete core that has considerable physical damage and magic damage. In addition, the scaling of the Gyro is also quite fast coupled with its Aghanim which is able to increase the damage ability of the Gyro. Because of these advantages Gyro is one of the cores that is the most picked and has been picked 52 times.

Those are the strategies and heroes that are often chosen and banned during The International 2019. Do you think it’s appropriate or do you have other opinions about heroes or strategies that became Meta during The International 2019. Please comment below, thank you.

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