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New Archer AOV Eland'orr Ready to Become an OP Hero Post-Release?

Hero archer seems to have a turn in the release of new heroes in Arena of Valor, after the arrival of Capheny and Hayate, there will be a new name that will appear as a new hero. Along with Sailika/Seluca/Cilia, it seems that Eland’orr will become a terrible specter that is ready to rock Horizon Valley 3.0 after its release later.

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Expected to be an OP hero because Elandorr based on his skills which you can see via Video from YikeZAoV on Youtube, Elando’rr has escape skills in the form of dash, teleport, and control, not only there, Eland’orr is still an Archer who certainly has the power an attack that cannot be underestimated through his passive skill.

Elandorr AOV

Coming from the same nation as Tel’Annas, namely The Forest of Shadows, it seems that Eland’orr himself has a story related to Tel’Annas, even though the background of this hero is not clearly known, but we can see from the background of the hero’s appearance when we choose, there you can see where the hero came from/joined which affiliation.

Elandorr AOV The Forest of Shadows

If you see Hayate is a deadly and annoying Archer, it seems you have to look at Eland’orr, that Elandorr is one of the most annoying Archer heroes released by Tencent through Arena of Valor.


  1. Have escape skills (Dash/Blink/Teleport)
  2. Have Control skill
  3. Can Teleport 2 times (Return) to the initial area after teleport (Change places)
  4. Damage through passive skills (Every 3 normal attacks there will be a stack which will explode when the stock is maximum)

Curious about Elandorr’s abilities?

You can also see Eland’orr in action from the video below from YikeZAoV:

Source: YikeZAoV

Also read articles and other interesting news about AOV, Games, and Tech from Mohammad Abdul Fatah

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