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Nintendo Sues Hacking Program Sellers

The case of piracy in the creative industry in general and the game industry is indeed a serious problem. In addition, there is no method that is effective enough to deal with piracy. Moreover, piracy is getting more and more advanced considering that usually some cases even carry out the process of Hacking the game.

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According to Polygon, Nintendo of America filed two lawsuits on Friday against the reseller who hacked the Nintendo Switch. The suspect sold software to play pirated video games. The first lawsuit was filed Friday in Ohio court against Tom Dilts Jr., the alleged operator of the UberChips website.

A second lawsuit was filed in Seattle court on the same day, against anonymous defendants from a number of websites. All of the defendants reportedly sold the products of a group of anonymous hackers called “Team Xecuter.” Nintendo’s lawyers described the product as an “unauthorized operating system … and accompanying piracy tools that install it.”

These products allow users to disable Nintendo systems that prevent piracy. Once disabled, players can download unauthorized operating systems and play pirated video games, the lawyer explained.

In an effort to crack down on cases of Hacking and Piracy, Nintendo is focusing its legal efforts on resellers. In 2018, Nintendo filed a similar lawsuit against hack reseller Team Xecutor. In January, he won an injunction against the case’s defendant, Sergio Mojarro Moreno, who was ordered to stop reselling hacks. Likewise, Nintendo filed a lawsuit in September 2019 against a ROM website called RomUniverse, which made it possible to download pirated video games.

Therefore, this is a pretty good step in dealing with piracy cases. Moreover, this case to use the ability of Hackers to hijack Nintendo games. It is hoped that there will be awareness and a deterrent effect from this case, as well as proper punishment for the suspects who did this.

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