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Protest Against Questionable Policies, Riot Games Employees Plan To Take Action Walkout

Riot’s case seems to be never ending, after preventing its employees from bringing Riot to justice because of a gender discrimination/Sexism case. This time several Riot employees threatened to walk out of the company.

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Reporting from the Kotaku page, this was triggered by the disappointment of the employees because Riot Game forced 2 women involved in the Sexism riot case to conduct Arbitration (Legal Mediation Steps). This was seen as Riot’s move to avoid legal proceedings that were attended by the Judge and Jury. Of course, this also reduces the flexibility of the related employees to hold accountable for what their superiors have done to those who have been harmed. Even though Riot had issued an official apology, this seemed to be a thing of the past. Lawyers from Riot also said if they signed this Arbitration, they would lose the right to bring Riot to a Jury trial.

It is said that the planned walkout will be carried out on the 6th. This Walkout plan had been in the works for months, as Riot’s forced Arbitration left them feeling cornered. Despite the risk of being fired, some employees dared to take this step to emphasize that forced arbitration should be lifted by higher-ups from Riot. They also ask to be clear in the revocation of this forced arbitration in a clear time (No later than 6 months), and most importantly they also ask to commit not to conduct forced arbitration of employees involved in the ongoing Riot litigation.

Some employees could not confirm how many people will take part in this walkout. One employee said that “I will still support whatever happens, regardless of whether I join this walkout or not.”

Thanks to: Kotaku

Also read other interesting information related to Riot or other cool articles from Rajendra.

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