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PS5 Exclusive DLC, Episode Yuffie in FF7: Intergrade Remake Has 2 Chapters

Only two chapters with an unclear game clock.

After officially announcing Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade in the PlayStation State of Play online event. Square-Enix, which at that time also confirmed the presence of Yuffie and its new PlayStation 5-exclusive DLC episode, finally shared the latest information about the paid DLC.

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Ff7 Remake Yuffie And Sonon

Launching Gamewatch JP, Square-Enix confirmed that Episode Yuffie will be coming in two chapters with an unclear game time. Of course, this is because each player will play it in different times.

In this episode, players will play Yuffie Kisaragi (Voice: Kakazu Yumi) alongside a new character named Sonon Kusakabe (Voice: Yoshimasa Hosoya) in exploring Midgar. Teaming up with Avalanche, Yuffie and Sonon will use their Wutai ninja abilities to steal the materia located within Shinra’s office.

Ff7 Remake Sonon
Sonon Kusakabe

Yuffie is explained to have hybrid abilities both long and close. He is able to use shuriken and ninjutsu in battle. He also has a variety of field actions, for example using a shuriken to open the Shinra Box from a distance or through iron construction with wall-running like a ninja.

Ff7 Remake Shinra Box Yuffie

FF7 Remake Ninja Wallrunning
Yuffie is able to open the Shinra Box remotely using a shuriken or wall-running like a ninja.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade It is scheduled to be released on PlayStation 5 on June 10, 2021. Players who already have the standard edition of the game on PS4 will get a free upgrade on the new Sony console. But unfortunately, the current episode of Yuffie has only been announced exclusively for PS5.

Read more about Final Fantasy VII Remake or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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