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Resident Evil Village Has Been In Development For 3.5 Years

Resident Evil Village was announced on PS5 Reveal last month. With the new Resident Evil 3 Remake being released this year, some fans felt that Capcom was starting to rush with the development of the new Resident Evil series, but the truth is that the new sequel to the horror franchise has been in development for a long time.

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Alex Aniel, a Resident Evil fanatic, had the opportunity to interview Capcom about some of the details behind the game. According to him, the game has been in development since 3.5 years ago, according to rumors that this sequel project originally started as Resident Evil Revelations 3 and not a continuation of Resident Evil 7.

From the aspect of the story, Alex Aniel didn’t get much in his interview session, but it is certain that RE Village will have a strong connection with RE7 and the trailer actually shows it indirectly.

RE Village is supposed to be a series where some old mechanics will be brought back, such as the RE4-style inventory system and classic RE-style puzzles.

Resident Evil Village will be releasing for PC, Xbox Series X and PS5. Capcom is rumored to have canceled the version current-gen of this game to completely focus on the new technology.

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