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The Number of Adult Gamers Increases Drastically According to Global Web Index

There are more adult gamers now.

Doing activities at home because of the pandemic has become something natural. Not a few who start their new hobby by reading or of course playing video games to relieve boredom at home.

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This increase is apparently recorded by the Global Web Index as reported by GamesIndustry. They revealed that the number of adult gamers aged 55-64 years has increased quite high since 2018.

Interestingly, the increasing growth of adult gamers apparently skyrocketed to around 38%. This is researched with data samples under 19,500 people from various regions of the world.

This increase is due to several factors, one of which is the pandemic, the increase in mobile gamers, and changes in the global video game audience population.

As many as 86% of internet users use the website to play video games. While those who are elderly and parents see this game play activity as a family activity.

Read more about Global Web Index or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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