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The Visual Appearance of Video Games from Time to Time Makes You Don't Realize That You Are Old

Not only presenting an interactive entertainment, video games also present a visual display that is growing from time to time. Although in the past he was not paid much attention considering the development of software and hardware which was still slow and not yet qualified, now the visual appearance seems to be a real interpretation of the saying “from the eyes down to the heart” for some gamers. Not infrequently these digital entertainment connoisseurs buy a video game because it looks charming.

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So, how has it changed so far? What are the types? Here we have summarized the visual appearance of video games from time to time.

1. Abstract Graphical Style

When asked the first game ever developed in the world, so many people answer it with Pong made by Atari in 1972. But actually the first video games were developed long before Pong release. It is Space War which was developed in 1962. Games at that time used a display that we now refer to as Abstract Graphical Style.

Just like the name suggests, this display is an abstract, 2D, and unrealistic visual show. Other games besides the two games we mentioned above that adapt it are Star Wars 1983.

Abstract indirectly shows how the capabilities of hardware and software in the 1980s. Its popularity lasted until the 1990s when 3D visual displays began to develop. Although not as popular as 3D, it is still used today, for example, Geometry Dash which was released in 2014.

2. Stylized Graphical Style

Unlike Abstract, Stylized has become a modern visual display and is very popular today. Used by games like Super Mario Bros In 1985, Stylized was able to provide a visual display that was easily understood by gamers. Enable creators to create visuals that match their imaginations.

This display is divided into three categories, starting from Pixel Art, 2D Stylized, 3D Stylized.

A. Pixel Art

With a 256 colors format, Pixel Art is a pioneer in the formation of Stylized Graphical Style. As the name implies, it presents the appearance of pixels (boxes) to form a desired shape. Because the color support is minimal, it’s natural that he has limited options. One example of a game that uses it is Undertale and To The Moon.

B. 2D Stylized

The 1990s were the culmination of the rapid development of video games. With the high specifications of some hardware, 2D graphics can be developed for the better. This visual characteristic is that it looks like a cartoon. Some games like Limbo or Child of Light be an example of a game that uses it.

C. 3D Stylized

The development of visual displays has also made 3D displays have many other forms, one of which is Stylized 3D. Just like 2D, it also has a cartoonist look but in 3D. Dragon Quest XI and Overwatch is a game that adapts its appearance. It is also divided into two types: Cel Shading and Cartoon.

1. 3D Stylized: Cel-Shading

It is a view where 2D images are made in such a way that they can become 3D. In other words, you will find a basic 3D model of a game installed by a 2D skin to make it look like a 3D cartoon. One of the games that uses it is Persona series, Ni no Kuni, and Borderlands series.

2. 3D Stylized: Cartoon

Similar to Cel-Shading, Cartoon is a 3D display with colors and styles suitable for all ages. Unlike Cel-Shading, which generally doesn’t have a fancy effect like particles, Cartoon is often added with other effects to make it more realistic. For example? DotA 2.

3. Realistic Graphical Style

With the development of increasingly advanced hardware, developers finally try to make the visual appearance of the game more realistic. They often use photorealism rendering technology to make it look as realistic as possible. Of course, this view is divided into two types of categories: Realism 2D and 3D Realism.

A. Realism 2D

It’s a look that seems out of date. It was pioneered by Mortal Kombat first by pasting a photo of a model in a 2D model. This display was made thanks to hardware limitations at that time.

B. Realism 3D

This is the reference for many AAA games today. It comes with super detailed and realistic 3D models. Make it seem not like a 3D model, but a real human or object. I don’t think we need to mention the game, but if you don’t already know, Battlefield 1, Uncharted 4, and Just Cause 4 are some of his games adapting it.

Those are some of the developments in the visual appearance of video games from time to time. Which is your preference? Drop it in the comments below!

How? Already feeling old? Age may be old, but the spirit is still young! If you want to read articles like this again, then you can visit the following page to be more open-minded in the video game industry as well as your hobby.

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