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These 9 Starlight Mobile Legend Skins You Can Exchange For Free In the Future!

Every month, Mobile legends often provide new starlight skins. Well, the starlight skin usually cannot be bought back even by using Diamond. The only way to get it is by using Rare Fragments. The cool thing is, because rare fragments can be obtained for free by doing events that exist every month, indirectly the skin is given for free by Mobile Legends. Well, here are 9 starlight mobile legends skins that you can exchange for free in the future. Check out the article below.!

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1. Martis – Searing Maw

Who doesn’t know an anti CC hero who is able to tear apart the enemy’s defenses. Although its popularity has decreased a bit. This powerful fighter hero is able to kill his enemy with one ulti. And this one skin is able to provide a frightening version compared to the usual skin. Coupled with the effects it has, this Hero is one of the underated heroes in Mobile legend.

2. Akai – Akazonae Samurai

A pretty annoying hero tank, whose popularity has started to rise recently. Yes, Akai is a CC tanker hero who can withstand various kinds of enemies with his Ulti. Well, if used correctly, this one hero will be one of the annoying heroes. Of course it’s not surprising if he gets a skin as cool as this Akazonae Samurai. Although not as cool as the epic skin, this skin is no less cool with a pretty good effect.

3. Angela – Shanghai Maiden

One of the most awaited skins – wait for its presence. Sanghai Maiden is a skin from Angela that really changes the shape of Angela. The reason is, Angela’s skin is usually shaped like a lifeless robot, but with this skin, Angela looks like an adorable little girl. No wonder that this skin is one of the most enjoyed skins.

4. Lancelot – Dark Earl

Being one of the mainstay Assassins, it is not surprising that Lancelot got a starlight skin at that time. Well, the cool thing is, Lancelot’s starlight skin takes the vampire theme so he looks quite scary when he uses his ultimate and abilities. If you are a Lancelot user, of course this skin is a pretty good addition, not for your skin collection.

5. Cyclops – Deep Sea Rescuer

Cyclops is one of the underated Mage heroes which is actually very OP. And personally, almost all skins from Cyclops are ugly in the author’s opinion. Except for the starlight skin given by moonton, namely Deep sea rescuer. In terms of skill effects, the overall shape of the skill is very cool, so it’s not surprising that it is one of the coveted skins for Cyclops users. Fortunately, in the next update, this starlight skin will be available in rare fragments.

6. Gussion – Cyber ​​Ops

Who doesn’t know this OP hero. Even though he has been nerfed many times, this hero is still often used because of his ability to provide enormous burst damage, especially in the early – mid game. Worse yet, if used properly, Gussion can be one of the heroes that causes your victory. Well, in this update, Moonton will provide the Starlight Gussion Cyber ​​Ops skin for free and can be picked up at the Rare Fragment store.

7. Claude – Plunderous Pirate

Claude! The most impudent Marksman Hero who is quite often picked in ranked matches. His ability to teleport and his ultimate area is one of the reasons why so many people use this hero. Well, even though it’s not as cool as the epic skin, Plunderous Pirate gives a fresh impression that fits Claude very well. So that this skin becomes an interesting addition for those of you who like this one marksman hero.

8. Fanny – Royale Cavary

Fanny Royale Cavary is one of the most sought after starlight skins by fanny users. Although not as cool as Skylark. This skin is often sought after because it is fanny’s 3rd skin which is pretty cool. So it’s not surprising that fanny users want this skin. Not especially with the expensive skylark skin, so this skin is a pretty good substitute.

9. Hayabusa – Experiments 21

The first annual starlight skin given by moonton, so it’s not surprising that this skin is one of the skins that is quite popular, especially for Hayabusa users. The cool thing about this skin is that it changes almost all the looks, effects, and shapes of Hayabusa as a whole. In addition, players will also get a special border on the loading screen when using the skin. Pretty cool isn’t it.

Those are some skins that will be present in future updates. Cool again, all of these skins can be obtained for free if you have enough rare fragments. Rare fragments themselves can be obtained for free if you manage to get the same skin, participate in events in Mobile Legends, and so on. So if you don’t have enough rare fragments. Please follow the mobile legend events that will exist in the future, because these skins will not disappear without notification.

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