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These are 7 reasons why PUBG PC is less successful than PUBG Mobile in Indonesia

As we know, the popularity of the PUBG game is undeniable. Not only famous among gamers, PUBG has even penetrated non-gamers such as street vendors, teachers, and even parking attendants. Seeing this phenomenon, there is no doubt that PUBG is the most downloaded game on PS4 and Play Store. However, did you know that PUBG’s fame doesn’t necessarily have such a positive impact, especially in our country. Some people say that they just got to know the PUBG game through the fame of PUBG Mobile and not PUBG PC. Has a question like that ever crossed your head? If yes, then you must read this article to the end. So, let’s check it out down below.

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1. Games That Are Not Free

As we know that the presence of PUBG PC has already existed on the Microsoft Windows (PC) platform since it was released on March 23, 2107. It was only on February 9, 2018 that Bluehole and Tencent collaborated to release PUBG Mobile. It is undeniable indeed, before Tencent released the Android version of the PUBG game, PUBG’s fame began to fade, especially in Indonesia. The main problem that causes this game to be less attractive is the price which is quite expensive and less friendly for low budget gamers. That’s why since the news circulated about the presence of PUBGM, it seemed as if they heard a breath of fresh air for those who felt less confident to spend more to buy the PUBG version. Steam.

2. Specification Requirements are Too High

If we talk about player problems low budget, certainly will not be far from the problem of the specifications of the computer (PC) that is sober. It’s no secret that the graph that will be used must always be “left alignment”. Not without reason, if we take a moment to look at neighboring games that offer eye-catching graphics, they definitely require quite expensive specs, don’t they? The comparison is very far from what PUBG Mobile wants which offers the same gameplay but players are not forced to upgrade their computer specs too expensively.

3. The presence of a special emulator for PC or laptop users

It sounds trivial, but it turns out that this is basically the source of the problem that PUBG Mobile is more attractive than PUBG PC. If you ask why? Then the answer is, of course, by using the emulator, you no longer need to work hard to spend money to buy this game. In addition, for those of you who are not used to playing shooter games with analog controls and are accustomed to using a mouse and keyboard, you will definitely choose this path, right?

4. Difficult Gameplay

Who doesn’t like playing realistic games? This game made by Bluehole and PUBG Corp. is indeed a champion of gameplay. Many things you may never get before in other games, such as the speed of sound that you hear is slower than the bullet projectiles fired by other players, to snipers who are unstable if you don’t use the “hold your breath” feature before shooting. Things like this are deliberately not presented by Tencent because they are considered too complicated and troublesome for players.

5. Too Many Bugs

It is quite surprising to know that the game that used to come with a new concept in the shooter genre with graphic support is quite charming. But unfortunately, most players who have tried playing this game shortly after its release, immediately felt disappointed because of the bugs that were scattered everywhere. Starting from buildings that don’t render perfectly, vehicles that often move for no reason, and various other bug problems that of course affect the player’s enjoyment while playing the game. Report after report relentlessly rained down on the PUBG community day and night relentlessly, many asking for improvements to this but the developers themselves didn’t care at all. This is what causes many players to choose to leave the PUBG game.

6. Not Newbie Friendly

Like any online shooter game in general, it should have a level of difficulty above the average for other genre games, therefore adjustments are needed for players who have just tried the game. The error that according to the author is very fatal is that there is no training room so that players can adjust their gameplay before actually jumping into a real match with 99 other players. sensitivity control adjustments, graphic settings, to frame rate restrictions are the main keys that should be adjusted first if you want to play a shooter game. Apart from that, the absence of a ranking system (in the past) made the mix of players in one match even more irregular, new players and advanced players had a high chance of meeting. This is an unbalanced matchmaking and is detrimental to only one party.

7. Lack of Accessibility Factor

The proliferation of the phenomenon of mobile games lately is a very soft market for the modern world and creative industry activists including video games to be able to exploit. Practical reasons and easy to use anywhere are the main reasons for the birth of these ideas. Gaming peripherals that are classified as complicated and quite a lot of spec requirements are not the main choice for gamers who like to move here and there.

PUBG Mobile comes with and juggles games that used to have dynamic gameplay and it was almost inconceivable if it could be played easily on a platform that was played quite small and didn’t even require buttons at all.

8. No More Mabar Friends

Back to the first point which discusses the boom in PUBG Mobile compared to PUBG PC because of the 7 things that I have mentioned above. Surely most of your circle of friends who used to play PUBG PC or never played online games before, are now busy updating their social media which shows they are playing PUBG Mobile right? Well, that’s why you seem to be drugged by the environment and forget the PUBG PC that you used to be proud of. It’s really sad brott, hmm…

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