Too OP, New FlameShot Spell Mobile Legends Get Nerf from Moonton
The new Flameshot spell, which is now the belle of mage heroes, finally gets a nerf. Now you will no longer be able to see the fireworks that appear flying towards you in the Mobile Legends game every 35 seconds. The reason is, seeing the greatness and uniqueness of the spell, Moonton finally gives a nerf that will increase the Cooldown of the spell to 50 seconds.
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This is a pretty significant nerf, especially for those of you who often use this skill to give a slow effect to the enemy in doing ganks. Especially for selena who is currently using Flameshot along with her stun skill shot.
Flameshot itself is one of the new spells given by Moonton in his Mobile Legends game as a substitute for retribution for mage-type heroes. However, due to the slow effect and the high range of the spell, tank-type heroes such as Grock and Khufra also use the spell to gank the enemy.
Worse yet, if the tanker uses the last emblem of the tank, namely Attack and Defense which increases the existing damage from the tanker according to its health, the damage given by Flameshot itself will increase significantly.
Well, here are some tips for those of you who are flameshot users to deal with this nerf from Flameshot. Where you can use a support emblem that reduces the CD from your spells by 15%, namely “Pull Yourself Together”. By using this emblem, the maximum CD from Flameshot will be reduced to 37 seconds. So you can still use the skill over and over again. In addition, the jungle emblem can also be used to lower the CD from the battle spell, up to 6 seconds.
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