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E3 2020 Canceled, Square Enix Will Look For Other Ways To Announce New Games And Other Surprises

In the last two months, the corona virus outbreak has spread, many giant events in the world have had to be postponed or cancelled. One of them happened at E3, the world’s largest video game trade show was officially canceled. Of course this makes gamers from all over the world disappointed, not only gamers, developers and publishers also swallow the same disappointment.

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One of them is Square Enix, the Japanese company this time can’t use E3 as a foothold to announce various interesting announcements and surprises. However, Square Enix will not stop just like that, even though E3 2020 is canceled, they claim to be looking for other ways to surprise gamers. Through their Twitter account, Square Enix has an interesting game line up that will be announced, besides that they also plan to announce interesting things related to the approach to the next gen era.

Square Enix itself did not speak further regarding what replacement event they planned after the cancellation of E3 this year. Is it possible to carry a live stream format a la Nintendo Direct and Sony’s State of Play? Or is it another unexpected format? We’ll just have to wait.

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