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What is AFK and its Impact on MOBA Games!

AFK is one of the things that makes players MOBA games very upset. In the midst of the popularity of online multiplayer games, many people often use this term. But do you know the true meaning of the term AFK?

What is AFK and its origins

What is Afk

AFK stands for “Away from the keyboard” or means “away from the keyboard”. This term used to be often used when chatting, playing social media and online games.

Usually the person who leaves or suddenly leaves the conversation is said to be in AFK. In the gaming world, this term is synonymous with DOTA 2 and CS games. The number of people who have moved to the mobile platform has made this term even more popular among players of Mobile Legends and other games.

Does AFK Have Any Bad Effects?

Afk Dota 2

Of course AFK has a bad impact on the game. Usually the team that has silent players will be more difficult to win the game and more often accept defeat. Especially for MOBA games where all players have their respective roles. Players who just stay silent are one of the causes of defeat.

In game DOTA 2 yourself, you will be given five minutes to connect to the ongoing match. DOTA 2 also has a pause system to stop the match for a moment if there is a player suddenly disconnect or AFK.

After the allotted time is up, this player will be counted as Abandoned and of course will get a penalty Low Priority. This applies to Normal to Ranked Match, not to mention if many teammates report you, the Low Priority will increase.

How about in Mobile Legends?

Afk Mobile Legends

To Mobile Legends or similar games, this term is also often heard. However, the text that often comes out in chat is “A**” because the system detects dirty words or “APK” by changing the letter “F” to “P”.

Even so, actually analog MOBA players can’t really be called AFK because they don’t use a keyboard. Supposedly, this analog MOBA player uses the term AFP or “Away From Phone“. But, because it doesn’t sound familiar, many people prefer to pronounce it with the term APK.

AFK Mobile Legends players will have their credit scores deducted. He couldn’t get into the lobby for the next five minutes after a game where he just stood still. If the player’s credit score is less than 90, then the player can only play in Classic mode.

Well, that’s the understanding of what AFK is, its origins and gamers who often use it. Hopefully the explanation above is quite helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends!

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