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Razer Distributes Free Masks Using Vending Machines In Singapore

Razer, the maker of gaming peripherals, is trying to distribute millions of masks for free in Singapore when the country is currently experiencing a spike in the number of corona cases that are increasing day by day.

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The technology company based in the United States and Singapore is focusing on making masks in response to the pandemic we are currently experiencing, and is now planning to double its production and set up a vending machine as a means to provide it to the public.

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For starters, Razer will place 20 of their vending machines in malls and places like co-working spaces for the next few weeks. The way to take the mask is fairly easy, we are only told to download an application digital wallet and then scan the QR code on the vending machine.

Razer’s plan is for residents there, especially adults who are still required to work, to get 1 free mask and that number will increase to a total of 5 million masks that will be distributed to residents there. According to Razer, after this initial plan is successful, they will add a new location for their vending machine so that more people can get free masks.

Source: CNN Edition

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