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Activision Blizzard and Take-Two Reveal the Benefits of Implementing a Microtransactions Business Model

Activision Blizzard and also Take-Two recently revealed the benefits they get from implementing the microtransactions business model in their games. Reported from, the benefits obtained by Activision Blizzard from microtransactions which they refer to as “in-game net bookings” until the end of the year or December 31 last year it reached the figure of 3.37 billion dollars.

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This makes Activision Blizzard become one of the world’s largest game publishers. Moreover, they are also currently the owners of the company King Digital Entertainment which is famous for mobile games full of microtransactions like Candy Crush. But not only mobile games, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare which also implements the Battle Pass system is the key to success Activision Blizzard to be able to reap huge profits.

Switch to Take-TwoThe company, which calls its microtransactions business model “recurrent consumer spending” consisting of virtual currency, add-on content, and in-game purchases, saw a 15 percent increase in revenue in its last quarter. The total revenue they get from these microtransactions is around $344,137,000. Of course, the main factor driving its success is Grand Theft Auto Online.

The point is that from a consumer perspective, especially gamers, microtransactions are often a very detrimental business model and threaten the gaming ecosystem in the future. However, from a business perspective, it must be admitted that the pubisher applies it because it brings huge profits.


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