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Apple Warns Users Not to Close Webcams on MacBooks

Apple recently gave a warning to users of its products, such as the MacBook and MacBook Air. The company warns users of the product not to cover the webcams on MacBooks and MacBook Airs.

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Apple gave this suggestion because many people closed the webcams on their devices. According to Apple, covering the webcam camera with a coating may damage the screens of these devices.

“Don’t close your MacBook, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro with a cover over the camera.

Apple itself also said that device users trust Apple that they will not do anything and provide information when the webcam is on in the form of an LED indicator light.

The reason is, there is a Reddit user who tried to use this camera cover and when he opened his MacBook Pro, what happened was that the screen of his device cracked. To fix it, he even spent a lot of money, which is around $1500 or Rp. 21 million with a 3 week repair process.

According to Apple, the screen and keyboard of the Macbook are designed to be very thin and have little tolerance. That way it will be very risky when installing a cover on the webcam camera from the MacBook.

Source: Apple Blog

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