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Get TKDN Certificate, Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro Will Enter Indonesia

Xiaomi has recently released 2 of its newest phones, namely the Xiaomi Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro. The two phones were released globally last October and became cheap variants for the Mi 10 series line.

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It seems that Xiaomi Indonesia will soon bring the two phones to the country. The reason is, on November 3 last, there were 2 new TKDN certificates that had been issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Industry.

Reporting from the official page of the Ministry of Industry, there are two new smartphone models from Xiaomi that will soon be released in Indonesia. The two models are “M2007J3SG” and “M2007J3SY”, with TKDN values ​​of 30.60 percent each.

The two models are Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro, where the Mi 10T Pro has the code M2007J3SG and the Mi 10T has the code M2007J3SY.

However, there is no official information regarding when these two phones will be officially released in Indonesia. However, if it is in accordance with the published TKDN certificate, there is a possibility that these two phones will be released in late November or early December this year.

As low-cost variants of the Mi 10 series line, the Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro have specifications that are not inferior to the Mi 10 variant which was released in early 2020. Both phones are equipped with the Snapdragon 865 chipset and support 144Hz screens.

Until now there has been no information regarding the price offered by Xiaomi to bring the two phones.

However, when viewed from the price in Malaysia, there is a possibility that the Mi 10T will start to be priced at 6 million.

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