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Ashe can now be played on the Overwatch Live Server

Can you master it?

After being teased with short animations and surviving long enough on the PC PTR server, the 29th hero Overwatch, Ashe finally made his debut on Blizzard’s latest live franchise server both on PC and console.

We are now officially on the platform Tiktok! Follow our Tiktok account at to find various information and our other interesting video content.

Ashe is a damage hero with a semi-automatic rifle as his main weapon. His coach gun functions as a damage dealer and knockback enemy that can give Ashe a chance to run at a crucial moment. He can also use the weapon to jump and flank in certain situations. This girl McCree also has dynamite that can explode if shot immediately after being thrown. While the ultimate BOB is his omnic servant who will shoot all enemies, as well as an “additional character” who can also capture points.

In addition to the addition of Ashe, some balancing such as the Roadhog hook which has a faster delay from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds until Reaper capabilities improvements such as shotgun spread and lifesteal capabilities have also been implemented. You can read about it here.

Overwatch now it can be played on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Read the full news so you don’t miss the update.

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