Loba will Demand Revenant Revenge in Season 5 Apex Legends
Revenant will meet Loba in season 5.
Do you still remember the creepy impression of Revenant when it was first introduced through an animated video Apex Legends? If yes, then you certainly still remember the girl whose parents she killed. Now, he is growing up and intends to return to hunting for Revenant in Season 5 Apex Legends.
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It was reported by several people on reddit that the next legend that Respawn will add is “Loba”. He is none other than the son of a businessman Hammond Robotics who was killed by Revenant. Now Respawn has finally teased the fans with his presence.
Through the short animation above, it is told that after the Revenant incident, Loba, whose full name is Loba Andrade, became a professional thief. He then meets someone he can trust to work with. Their cooperation went very well, until finally his partner found the Revenant’s whereabouts. Now the time has come for Loba to take revenge.
As we previously reported, the trailer also reveals when Season 5 will be Apex Legends will begin, namely on May 12, 2020. While waiting for the event, you can enjoy the Battle Armor event that is currently being held.
Read more about Apex Legends, or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.
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