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Overwatch Korean Pro Player Talks About Racism He Received While In America

This Korean pro player must accept mental pressure from local residents.

If we talk about the issue that is being hotly discussed in the United States lately, it is how racism against Asians and their descendants has resurfaced. One of the reasons is said to be due to COVID-19, which is said to have originated in China, which made them unable to carry out their usual activities.

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One such narrative spread on the internet and created a negative stigma against all Asians and their descendants living in the United States. Re-emergence of hate incidents against certain races because they are considered to be the root cause of the problem.

Not only those who are of Chinese descent, several other Asian countries have also experienced it. For example, a professional player Overwatch from South Korea below.

Lee “Fearless” Eui-seok, a pro player for the Dallas Fuel, Texas team, vented to netizens while he was livestreaming Twitch about the racism he received from Americans.

According to the translated video Jade Kim, team manager Overwatch another, Florida Mayhem. Lee explained in Korean to the audience that being Asian in America was scary. “People always want to find trouble with us, they even cough and curse at us while laughing,” said Lee.

Americans even had time to take off their masks just to cough and swear at it like, “Chinese bastard”. Lee continued that racism in America is already at an incredible level and is happening to him and his team every day.

The Dallas Fuel player explained that three years ago they were not treated that way. He claimed to live peacefully in the United States without any problems.

Lee and his team could only avoid the racist treatment by wearing the Dallas Fuel uniform. This is because they are likely aware that the person wearing the uniform is one of the professionals of the team, so they don’t bother him. “But when I put on normal clothes, they started harassing me and my team along the way,” he added.

Jade Kim’s translation of the tweet of Lee’s video immediately became a conversation and received responses from several people. One of them is Mike Rufail, the founder and chief gaming officer of Dallas Fuel who confirmed that his team members did accept the incidents of racism as Lee disclosed. Rufail regretted the incident. “This is not something we should be proud of,” he said.

Kim, who was interviewed by the Washington Post, revealed that he is not part of the Dallas Fuel and doesn’t know Lee personally, but as a Korean and Asian, he feels the same way and has to make it public.

As of this writing, it is not yet clear whether Lee has reported any incidents of racism he has received to the authorities.

Read more about Overwatch or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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