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Pay to Win Cosmetics?, Valve finally releases a cute new skin "Acolyte of the Lost Art"

Dota 2 re-released the prize after the break of the new milestone from the TI 9 prize. Fortunately, Invoker is one of the heroes who finally gets his own special skin update, with the theme of the Little Invoker of the heroes. spammer Invoker pro users can be even more excited to tear apart the war with the Joker’s smaller body stature.

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Young Invoker Result From Winner of Dota 2 Short Film Competition

The Invoker’s Kid skin in the Persona slot was first seen in one of the participant videos from the Dota 2 short film competition during TI 7. A Youtube account called Maxime Lebled – 3D animator, released a short film where he describes how each hero in Dota 2 fears when he is hit by the nightmare skill from Bane. Invoker’s own fear was seen when he was a child and was learning about his crazy skill combinations. The cute shape of Invoker made by 3d artist Maxim Lebled finally brought him the winner of the competition at TI7 and was adapted into a skin at TI9.

Pay to Win Controversy on Invoker’s New Skin

Selection box and Hitbox are different

The skin has a much newer model, a cute voice, and a very mini shape. This has become a problem, many feel that this Invoker skin has a difference selection box compared to the previous skin.

It is necessary to understand the difference between Hitbox and Selection Box. Hitbox is an area where skill shots such as mirana arrows, hook pudges, must be located so that the skill is successful. However Selection box is an area where you can click on the hero so that the character can be given a targeted skill item effect.

A much smaller blue selection box

Based on the explanation above, it can be understood that this skin does not affect skill shot areas such as Pudge Hook, Mirana Arrow, Stun Lion, Spectral Dagger etc. But what has changed is the selection area where in the picture above, the blue box is an area where you can give target skills or target items to him. Logically, a small hero certainly has a small selection area, because it is impossible with the current Invoker skin to still have a selection area that used to be an enemy or friend can click on an empty area later.

But what also needs to be understood is Invoker with its skin which will now be felt very hard to click, imagine 500ms, Eul, Ghost walk with such a small selection it will be very difficult to catch it. This is of course still a debate, until now there has been no fix presented by the valve or clarity. But what is certain is that this is not just a “cosmetic” item anymore, because it has changed a certain element in the game It’s up to you whether it’s profitable or not.

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