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Pokemon TCG Indonesia "Deck META Vikavolt Tapubulu" Which is Definitely Consistent and Very Strong

Hello guys, so now I want to talk about one of the META decks. What is META? META means “Most Effective Tactics Avaible” in Indonesian, meaning the most effective strategy to win a match.

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META Pokemon TCG Indonesia itself is still small because only 1 set has been released. META decks currently available are Vikavolt / Tapu Bulu, Hooh / Kiawe, Metagross / Nekrozma and Espeon / Garbodor. The four decks are META in this set and of course all decks use 3 Tapu CATFISH which is now the price is soaring high. Alright, without further ado, let’s take a look at this decklist from Vikavolt. (Decklist Credited to Tito Santoso, 1st Champion on First Hit Event)

Pokemon Cards:
4x Grubbin
1x Charjabug
4x Vikavolt
2x Tapu Koko
1x Tapu Koko GX
3x Tapu Bulu GX
3x Tapu Catfish GX

Support Card:
4x Lilies
4x Professor Kukui
4x Guzma
2x Hau
4x Rare Candies
4x Ultra Ball
2x Relief Stretcher
2x Poke Ball
1x Pokemon Swap

Energy Card Required:
8x Leaf Energy
7x Electrical Energy

How to play:

Ideally on the first turn we have Grubbin (Basic Pokemon Vikavolt) on the bench and have Rare Candy and Vikavolt in hand, if you already have all of that on the next turn we can immediately evolve Grubbin into Vikavolt by using Rare Candy. For the ideal attacker for this deck, we have Tapu Bulu GX and Tapu Koko GX, the two pokemon are the main attacker from this Vikabulu deck. We also need Tapu Lele GX to get Lilie in the first turn whose effect can immediately take cards until there are 8 cards in our hands. If we already have Lilie in hand, we can keep Tapu Lele GX in hand to be issued on the next turn and take supporters according to our needs.

The ideal arena for this deck is 1x Vikavolt, 1x Tapu Koko, 1x Tapu Bulu GX, 2x Tapu Lele GX on the Bench, and 1x Tapu Bulu GX on the front. We can attach leaf energy to Tapu Bulu GX on the front and use a skill from Vikavolt that can attach leaf and lightning energy from the deck to our pokemon in the arena. So that Tapu Bulu GX can immediately use its second attack, namely Natural Decision which has 120 damage, if the enemy GX has 180 HP, we can also throw all the energy from Tapu Bulu GX and directly deal 180 damage to enemy Pokemon.

If our Tapu Bulu GX is almost lost, we can use the GX which has the effect of restoring all of the Tapu Bulu GX’s HP.

Review Vs Deck Meta:

Vs Tapu Bulu / Vikavolt

This matchup is a bit tricky, because whoever has the field to be the Vikavolt first, then he is the one who will most likely win.

Tapu Bulu itself can one hit your opponent’s Tapu Bulu, and your opponent’s Tapu Bulu can also one hit our Tapu Bulu, so if you are fighting a Mirror match, you should aim for the Vikavolt first so you can’t install energy from the deck.

Vs Hooh / Tortunator

This matchup is ok for us because our combos are easier to get, but if the enemy manages to set-up his field first with Hooh-Kiawe’s first turn, then the chances of us losing will be 60%, but we can still win if our hands are better than the enemy.

In this match, Field Blowers are needed because the enemy Hooh must use the Baton of Hope to transfer all his energy if he dies.

Vs Espeon / Garbodor

This matchup is quite tricky because Espeon GX itself can use confuse to delay Tapu Bulu GX, but if the confuse fails and we use Professor Kukui (+20 damage) and use the Nature Decision effect that wastes all of our Energy so that it becomes 180 damage, then Espeon GX The enemy can be One Shot (180 + 20 = 200 Damage).

Espeon GX also has GX which is quite annoying for us, if our Grubbin has not become Vikavolt, then our Grubbin can be in One Shot with its GX which can attack our bench.

Vs Metagross / Necrozma

This matchup is our hardest matchup because Necrozma and Metagross can one hit kill our Tapu Bulu GX, while Metagross’ HP itself is 250 so it’s quite difficult to kill. If the enemy can set-up his field at turn 2 with 2 Metagross + 1 Necrozma, this vikabulu deck can be said to be 100% defeated because a turn 2 set-up like that will not be able to be killed by Tapu Bulu GX.

In fighting this deck, we have to kill the enemy’s bellum first so it can’t become Metagross, if the enemy can’t set-up and our vikabulu can be set-up first, it’s easier for us to win the match. Also be careful with enemy Mimikyu, because Mimikyu can use our Tapu Bulu GX attack and can use its effect as well which wastes all energy and deals 180 damage.

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