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PS5's Asian and Western Versions Won't Have X and O Button Differences

Sony changed it.

Over the years, it’s no secret that there are some differences between the PlayStation console for the Japanese/Asian and western versions of both Europe and America. One of the most obvious things is the use of the confirmation button, where the Asian version uses the O button while the western uses the X button and vice versa to cancel. But it looks like everything will be merged into one after the PlayStation 5 is released later.

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According to the PS5’s first impression of Japanese gaming site AV Watch, it appears that the O button commonly used by Japanese and Asian gamers for confirmation will be changed and standardized to the X button. While the O button will be the cancel button.

A little trivia of using the O and X buttons. In Japanese culture the O button represents “maru” in Japanese which means confirmation or truth. While X represents “batsu” in Japanese which means cancellation or error. These two symbols are often used in any quiz, including TV shows. Making it the culture standard for the PlayStation button.

A representative from Sony Interactive Entertainment said that this decision was made so that all games do not need to use a different button for confirmation. They provide western standardization so that all game developers can adapt the X button for confirmation without having to change it.

Of course, the decision became a controversy in some Japanese gamers. But there are players who accept it gracefully. This is because one of the western games like Apex Legends which is currently very popular in Japan using the X button for confirmation and O for cancellation.

One of the producers of the series Tales, Tomizawa Yusuke also seems to have confirmed the change. He voiced his opinion in a short tweet that read, “It’s time the X button became the confirmation button”. In other words, it is time for the Japanese to use X or “batsu” to confirm the truth. An interesting study when viewed from a cultural perspective.

PlayStation 5 will be released on November 12, 2020, while all other Asian regions other than Japan, South Korea, and China will be able to get it towards the end of November.

Read more about PlayStation 5, or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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