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The President of Quantic Dream will Surprise His Fans in 2020

Will they make a Detroit continuation or maybe a new game?

Quantic Dream has been known as an interactive drama game studio which was originally dedicated exclusively to Sony Interactive Entertainment thanks to their collaboration. However, because some of their shares have been purchased by NetEase, their games are no longer limited to PlayStation only. It started with the release of several games such as Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, and the last Detroit: Become Human to PC. That way, they are more free to distribute the game. The good news, it looks like 2020 they will surprise you.

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At least that’s what the President of Quantic Dream, David De Gruttola or more familiarly known as David Cage said. The main motor as well as writer and director for almost all of the Quantic Dream games said in a tweet that 2020 will be even more fun.

Cage also confirmed that Quantic Dream still has a lot of surprises for fans in 2020.

It’s not yet clear what Quantic Dream will announce, but it’s likely that they will announce a new game for the next-gen console, either the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X, which is ready to be released by the end of 2020. But we’ll let you know when they officially announce it.

Read more about Quantic Dream or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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