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What is a Real Gamer?

Gamers are creatures who have one important mission in the world, especially if it’s not playing games. Many types of gamers from perfectionist, which is the type that won’t miss a single little thing like secrets or items in the game they are playing, then the other type is level grinder whose job is leveling to the highest level so that the strongest monsters in the game can be easily defeated, and other types of gamers.

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But in my opinion, gamers are only divided into 2 types, the first is casual where he will buy and play the games he likes just for fun. The second one is hardcore, where he will buy and play all the games that have ever been released in this world with the highest difficulty level, well you could say he has a motto “no game no life“Well basically.


The existence of these types of gamers, not infrequently makes us who may belong to some of the types I mentioned earlier claim to be true gamers. From this arises a very interesting question, what is a true gamer?

Okay, first let’s see what is the definition of the word true. Indonesia Dictionary states that true has the definition of one identity or one heart. When examined more deeply, true has a meaning, namely, actually (true, original, pure, not obscene, and not mixed). Means that real gamers are real gamers, then what does this real gamer mean?

After I browsed several sites, I got several different opinions, for example as follows, “true gamers are gamers who always play original games” or “true gamers are gamers who understand the ins and outs of the games they play, not just playing games because they follow the hype or trends in cyberspace.”, or other opinions such as, “real gamers are gamers who play all kinds of games, platforms, never give up on a game and never think about using cheatsand several other opinions.


There are a few statements that are similar but quite interesting when I go through this like, “You’re not a true gamer if you don’t know the following terms“, or “This item is only intended for true gamers“, and others. From here I have another big question, “why do these people care so much about the words of those true gamers?

One of you might think that true gamers are gamers who have sense of accomplishment high, like my statement in gamers type perfectionist at the beginning. All the hours you’ve spent playing games are proven by the existence of “honor mark“In parts of your body, like skin that has hardened from playing PC games continuously for the sake of reaching achievements highest. Or maybe some of you think that true gamers are gamers who have sense of community, you will talk about all kinds of games like skyrim in one of the gamer communities like reddit, indogamers, or something else.


This reminds me of the statement of a social psychologist Henri Tajfel, who calls this the formation of self-identity, where one of a person’s personality is formed from the community he is in. The problem is, the actual gamer community has a very small range of discussion, because most gamer communities discuss other things such as games that have the predicate “must play“, hype, stunning graphics, or discuss trending topic, compared to discussing the various developments of the game world and the experience of playing games. Even we ourselves do not know what game we are discussing in the community. Many people use the term “gamer” or “real gamer” as he pleased, which in my personal opinion is of no use at all. For example, the use of the word true gamer as a weapon to call himself different from the others.

One example "Confirmation Bias" in the gamer community
One example of “Confirmation Bias” in the gamer community

Some gamers suffer from what psychologists call “confirmation biasIt is a person’s tendency to look for evidence that supports his opinion or belief and ignores evidence that says otherwise. For example, if you rarely see that there are girls playing CSGO, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, or Dota, maybe you will draw the conclusion that none of the girls play games. This leads to false stereotypes, such as the one that people who play mobile games on smartphone not a real gamer.


This label of true gamers creates an illusion, where true gamers are individuals who are different from most other people or gamers. There is an opinion that is quite intriguing where true gamers are gamers who play games that deserve to be called a “game”, you name it Grand Theft Auto, Dota, or CSGO. This is tantamount to saying that a true or true movie is a movie action with some of its stunning visual effects, while other film genres don’t include actual films.

Then, what about gamers who don’t want to play games that contain murder or gunfights? The term gamer or true gamer should not be limited from the games they play. Play games like Call of Duty up to hundreds of hours doesn’t necessarily make you a real gamer, it only makes you an expert at playing Call of Duty. So, what is the definition of a true gamer that fits? This is my opinion, true gamers are gamers who have a passion in the game world and understand very well all aspects of the game. How about you? What do you think is a true gamer? Leave your comments below.

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