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Before Your Eyes, Game Controlled Using Blinks

Virtual Reality has indeed become a new way to enjoy the experience of playing video games. Over time, Virtual Reality devices have new technology and of course they are not cheap. This is what gamers consider in plunging into the world. Different from other VR games, now we have a new game with a unique innovation. This game is titled Before Your Eyes, a game that can be controlled using the player’s blinking.

This game is an Indie game in collaboration with Skybound Games and GoodbyeWorld. Later, before Your Eyes will take us to a Narrative world full of Relaxing stories. Unique Art Style and soothing music will accompany us in playing the game. Besides all that, we as players can play this game using just the blink of an eye. Don’t worry, you don’t need an expensive device to play this game.

Before Your Eyes Can Be Controlled Using the Blink of an Eye

Players only have to have a Web Cam to play Before Your Eyes. Later this game has a special technology that can detect the player’s blinks and eye movements. Because it has the Narrative Story Telling genre, this game has Interactive Objects that we can play with just the blink of an eye. They also arrange each story and level design in such a way that players can change and change the topic of the story just by blinking

“We really can’t wait to get this into the hands of players, so they can finally experience a whole new way of using technology to tell human stories.”

Graham Parkes – Creative Director

Emotional Story And Full of Meaning of Life

If you don’t know, this game tells the story after death. The player will plunge into the happy memories of his life. The old sadness and joy will be mixed in the story of this game. We will meet an “introduction to the soul” who will accompany us in memories until finally the player enters the Hereafter. Before Your Eyes is certainly very suitable for those of you fans of Emotional and Dramatic stories.

What do you think, are you interested in trying this one game? If you are interested, Before Your Eyes reportedly will be released exclusively on the PC platform only. Later this game will be released via the Steam Store on April 8, 2021. Don’t forget to keep visiting our site every day so you don’t miss the latest news, tips, and rumors about the World of Video Games and the Industry. Happy waiting!

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