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Easy Ways to Get Copper Ore in Valheim Game

Like other Survival games, Valheim itself also has various types of Minerals that we can Mining in this game. We can use some of these mineral materials to craft many things, from tools, armor, to weapons. On this occasion, we will share special tips for those of you who already want to start crafting complex items in this game. Here’s an easy way to get Copper Ore in the Valheim game.

Before we dive deeper, we will first discuss about the Minerals in this game. As we already know, Valheim is a SandBox Survival game that presents a variety of Materials for Crafting. The presence of Minerals in this game is an important thing because Valheim itself also has Combat Elements. There are various Minerals that we can find in this game ranging from, Flint, Copper, Tin, Iron, Silver, and Black Metal.

Each Mineral has a different strength, depending on the level of difficulty to get it. Some Minerals have to be processed first before they become finished objects. Likewise with Copper Ore which requires a Smelting and Forge process. Before that, we must first know how to find this Material. The fact is to find Copper Ore is not difficult, all you need to do first is make an Antler Pick Ax first.

How to Get Copper Ore in Valheim

How to Get Copper Ore in Valheim |  Valheim
How to Get Copper Ore in Valheim | Valheim

Copper Ore can be found in the Black Forest biome area. Usually this copper ore can be recognized by the shape of a mound of stone. The color itself has a distinctive Chopper color which is yellowish and shiny. Because this mineral is soft, you don’t need an Iron Pick Ax to look for it. All you need is the Antler Pick Ax. When you have found this big rock mound, you can start mining by hitting it.

By pressing the button “LMB“You can do Mining to taste. If so, the Copper Ore will automatically be scattered to the ground. All you need to do is pick it up and put it in your inventory. To do this you can press the “E” key on your keyboard. Do this repeatedly until the stone runs out. What do you think, quite easy right?

Functions and Uses of Copper Ore

Functions and Uses of Copper Ore |  Valheim
Functions and Uses of Copper Ore | Valheim

Copper Ore can usually be used as the main ingredient for making weapons and armor. Although not as strong as Iron, Copper ore can ward off some attacks from enemies. Not to mention, Armor made of Copper Ore is lighter than Iron. So some Armor equipment is very suitable for you to use using this Mineral. But all of that requires a special process, you can follow the method on this page

That’s all our tips on how to easily find Copper Ore in the Valheim game. Hopefully these tips can be useful for those of you who may be trying this game for the first time. If you are interested, you can play Valheim on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. For PC users, you can enjoy this game directly on the Digital Steam platform at a price of IDR 109,000. Don’t forget to also visit our review of this Valheim game.

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