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Google Considered Failed to Develop Game Studio First-Party Stadia

Google released Stadia in March 2019 with various promises to revolutionize the gaming industry. However, after only two years running, Google chose to close first-party studio Stadia because it didn’t release a single game.

However, recent reports suggest that there is a reason why Google shut down Stadia’s first-party studio.

Reasons for the Failure of First-Party Stadia Game Studio Development

google games stadia
Stadia | Google

According to Wired’s report, they see Stadia’s internal studio failure as inevitable. The reason is, Google is not experienced in this case cloud gaming and the video game industry. Further, the report says that Google does not know the difference between developing technology and games.

Google really has a pretty different business. Creating content or games for Stadia obviously requires a high level of experience.

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According to PC Gamer, it’s actually a pretty serious internal problem on Stadia. Developers were asked to focus on Stadia technology instead of the game itself. Of course, this assumption is only limited to personal income. However, the fact that Google has closed its first-party studio is undeniable.

Despite this, Harrison said in late January that Stadia Games and Entertainment was showing considerable progress. However, after a few weeks of praising the studio, Google surprisingly shut it down for not producing a single game.

Microsoft Has Any Influence Over This?

Microsoft X Stadia
Stadia and Microsoft | Special

Based on a report from Kotaku, General Manager of Google Stadia, Phil Harrison said that they were forced to close their two internal game studios in Los Angeles and Montreal in early February 2021.

According to existing sources, Harrison pointed specifically that the purchase made by Microsoft had an influence on Google’s decision to close Stadia. For your information, Microsoft has succeeded in acquiring ZeniMax Media, which oversees Bethesda Software. Microsoft’s acquisition of ZeniMax may have an effect on the closure of Stadia’s studio.

Through this acquisition, Microsoft brings franchise such as The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Doom under their control. Furthermore, the competition between Microsoft and Google in terms of Cloud Gaming was the reason why game development studio Stadia had to close.

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