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5 Ways to Learn to Become a Mobile Legend PRO-Player

The number of E-Sport matches that are currently rampant in Indonesia, has created several new jobs in the game world. In the past, gaming was seen as a useless hobby, which was usually used to relieve fatigue and boredom from life. Nowadays, the game is one of the arenas that can be used to earn income. Therefore, there are many people who want to become Pro-players, both on the PC platform and on the Mobile platform.

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Well, one of the Mobile games that entered the ESport SEA games event, namely Mobile Legend, is also getting a lot of attention from the Pro-Player players. If you are interested in becomingPRO-Player“In the Mobile legend game, then the following gamebrott will provide tips and tricks so that you can learn to be “PRO-Player” on Mobile legends.

1. Most Toxic in Game

Mobile legend is a game that has a lot of toxic players. If you are one of the Mobile legend game players, of course you must have been in “Anjiang” right, or said to be “Noub”. But do you know that this is often said by the players “PRO-Player” It’s because they want to motivate your game, not because they are uneducated boy. So if you want to bePRO-Player“Most of the toxic in the game to motivate other people who are stupid in using the hero.

2. Jungle Buff only for PRO

Jungle buff is one of the mobile legend features that can be used to change the course of the match. Yes, that’s why so many players”PRO-Player” who thought that the buff was only for him. Especially if “PRO-Player“It uses Fanny or Gussion with the Assassin role. No need to think about other heroes who actually need the buff. As long as they are “PRO-Player“Getting the buff, there’s nothing else to think about. So, if you want to bePRO-Player“Then take as many buffs as possible in the game. If you can, steal the enemy’s buffs, so that all the buffs are yours.

3. PRO player, 1 Hero

As a “PRO-Player“Of course they have to be able to dominate other heroes. For example Fanny, the Hero can be used to kill everything, Tank, Fighter, Mage, Assassin or Support. So there’s nothing wrong with that, folks.”PRO-Player“Using the hero. Well, if you want to bePRO-Player“In Mobile legend, pick the hero you can, even though the role hero will be used by people. Ask someone else to change their role. Because you know that you are more PRO from other people.

Note: If your hero is picked, blame your 1 team friend, why not recommend the hero you want to pick at that time.

4. Kill Steal, It’s Okay

As “PRO-Player” who will eventually lead the way of the game, of course you have to have a lot of money to be able to buy good items in the game. Therefore, take kills from your team so that the more money you get, so you can easily kill other enemy heroes. It’s not your fault if your team ends up running out of money to buy good items in the late game.

5. Arrange your team so you don’t choose the wrong hero

Because you are “PRO-Player” who are already proficient in playing the game. You must already know, what positions and heroes are suitable to work with. Regardless of the skills and abilities of others in using the hero, you know that the hero is OP and they should know how to use the hero. Therefore, you have to manage your team so that you don’t take the wrong role in choosing a hero. You have to act knowingly, that without the hero, you will lose the match.

Well, those are some ways to become a PRO-Player in Mobile legend. Oh yeah, differentiate”PRO-Player“And Pro-Player, guys. Because PRO-Player is a person who gasses to become a Pro. Thanks for reading, and try to be PRO-Player good by following the methods above.

Check out other Mobile legend articles, and other cool articles from our author Jay.

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