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7 Weirdest Weapons That Only Appear in Video Games

Creativity is indeed without limits, but what if there is too much creativity and in excessive portions? All morals to common sense including logic will disappear for the sake of creative work. In fact, not infrequently the work cannot be understood by many people and only the creator himself understands it.

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This is apparently stated in the video game. Yes, I know all video games are the product of creativity, but that’s not what I’m going to discuss in this article because I’m going to talk about something more specific, namely weapons. In accordance with the previous paragraph that creativity will make common sense and logic disappear. It is also translated in the form of weapons. Give birth to strange weapons that are unlikely to be applied in the real world.

Most of these weapons are generally made for fun only. However, it is possible that his presence is only to fill the confusion of the game developers. Here are the most quirky weapons that only appear in video games.

7. Hairspray Bomb – Sunset Overdrive

Fantasy theme presented Sunset Overdrive translated through his fairly “normal” weapon. One of them is Hairspray Bomb. Unlike ordinary weapons, this weapon will make a hairspray bottle explode when it is thrown and hits the ground. The concept is more or less the same as a grenade but in the form of hairspray. The thing that makes this weapon unique is how it will split into several pieces and then explode like a scatter bomb.

6. Magnopulser – Far Cry 5

at a glance, Far Cry 5 is a game that takes a theme that is quite serious compared to the spin-off. But who would have thought that the fifth iteration of one of the games made by Ubisoft has a strange weapon behind the seriousness of the theme.

Unlike the SMG or other weapons, Far Cry 5 apparently kept a weapon called the Magnopulser. He can only be obtained through a quest NPC named Larry and helps him to make a teleporter. What can this weapon do? Fly whatever is in front of you.

5. Groovytron – Ratchet and Clank (Remake)

Although at first glance it looks like a Pixar animation from Disney, but the remake version of Ratchet and Clank have an enemy with similar interests, namely music. This is evidenced by one of the game’s quirky weapons, the Groovytron. This weapon will fire a disco ball that will fly for a moment and play Groove music. The effect? Making enemies around him dance like in a nightclub but with groovy music.

4. Mr. Toots – Red Faction Armageddon

Still not quirky? How about Mr. Toots from Red Faction Armageddon? This weapon… not a gun to be exact, but a unicorn like in a cartoon My Little Pony capable of shooting rainbows from its ass. The rainbow doesn’t have a bullet drop and instantly shoots like a laser beam, making the hit enemy instantly disappear.

The developer himself explained that actually Mr. Toots fires a magic that makes enemies disappear into stars. I personally don’t agree with this weapon a bit, because… I feel sorry for the unicorn that was forced to take it out prematurely, like taking laxatives all the time. But what makes me confused, about what is being pressed until Mr. Toots able to shoot rainbows?

3. Cluckshot – Gears of War 3

Gears of War 3 appeared as a game with aliens and the war between mankind against it. However, just like Far Cry 5, this game has an element of fatigue that is quite unique and quirky in the range of weapons.

The weapon is named Cluckshot. This component is one of the joke weapons and easter eggs or secrets stored in the game. Cluckshot is basically a Boomshot but with ammo of a chicken. This weapon will shoot a chicken that explodes when it hits the enemy.

2. Cat Gun – SKILL Special Force 2

From Unicorn Mr. Toots we switch to Cat Gun from SKILL Special Force 2, an FPS multiplayer game which unfortunately has closed its servers. As the name implies, Cat Gun is a cat that is used as a weapon, where he will shoot bullets like a firearm in general. Then, what if the ammo runs out? You just need to pet it and see how cute the cat is.

1. Almost Everything – Saints Row Series

Of all the weird weapons I mentioned, parody games Saints Row entitled to be the winner in the series of quirky weapons this time. This is because almost all the weapons in the series are quirky and not common at all behind the theme which is indeed a parody.

So do not be surprised if the names are very strange. Starting from The Penetrator which is actually a giant d**do that is used like a bat, Dubstep Gun with a light like a lightstreak effect from several video openings and creative company logos, Shark o Matic which shoots the entrails of a shark into several places that will summon a giant shark in the sea. anywhere and anytime, until the Inflato Ray which is able to make the human body like a tire that is inflated until it explodes.

The list continues to grow until I personally can’t choose which weapon because all of them are weird.

That’s the weirdest weapon that only appears in video games. Do you have a list of other weapons we didn’t cover? List everything in the comments box below.

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